Curricular Unit:Code:
General and Organic Chemistry845QGEO
1UndergraduateNutrition Sciences5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The main objective of this course is to provide the fundamental concepts of chemistry as well as the basic knowledge indispensable to the understanding of others disciplines, nominated in the analysis and study of the chemical and bromatological characteristics of foods. In this scope, student should acquire the basic abilities for the development of research projects and for the elaboration of technician-scientific reports. The competencies to be achieved with the frequency of the course are the knowledge of: basic rules of laboratory safety; laboratory equipment and its use; theoretical and practical concepts involving the execution of a scientific protocol; proper handling of significant figures of numbers, scientific notation and unit conversions; inorganic and organic nomenclature; equations balancing; reactions stoichiometry; concentration of solutions; titrations.
Laboratory safety: general rules. Current operations: preparation and conservation of solutions, utilization and cleansing of glassware. Measurements and dilutions. Substance purification: precipitation, crystallisation, destillation, extraction, chromatography.
Atoms, ions and molecules. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds. Chemical reactions and chemical equations. Precipitation, acid-base and redox reactions. Concentration units (molarity, molar fraction, volume and mass percentage, molality, normality.) Titrations. Errors and significant figures. Chemical bonding: general concepts. Organic chemistry (alcanes, alcanes, alcynes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides: nomenclature and reactivity general concepts).
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus integrating the module are suitable for the development of targeted skills.
The aim is also to provide a solid balance between theoretical principles and practical application of skills in chemistry, focusing the discussion and resolution of problems, enabling students to develop a clearer and more critical view. We also intend to train students for correct handling of laboratory equipment and convenient execution of basic operations.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The learning period will consist of theoretical (T) and laboratory practical (PL) classes. Explanation of main theoretical concepts will be given in theoretical classes. The theoretical principles will be carefully studied and discussed resorting to the use of schemes and images. The material included in each chapter is studied in detail through the execution of several practical exercises proposed to students for resolution. Practical classes include the execution of a series of experimental works whose completion demonstrate some of the most important concepts studied. The evaluation of the course includes, in addition to written assessment, student performance in the lab (T: 2 tests (50% + 50%); PL: Mini-reports+laboratory work (50%), 2 tests (50%); Final: 80%T + 20%PL).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The objectives of the curricular unit are achieved by the use of the methodology referred since the expository component provides guidance on the systematic study and the practice exercitation promotes the practical application of concepts and theories studied within the curricular unit. The use of adequated bibliography and of a set of study materials purposely created, as well as support sessions to clarification of doubts and activities for knowledge assessment, allow a high level of fit between the methodologies and objectives of the curricular unit. The adoption of the proposed methodologies will enable students to: acquire knowledge; discover working methods to be used; take professional behaviors, to detect the importance of activity in a laboratory context; apply knowledge in new situations and in others curricular units, or raise an ongoing discussion in classes.
[1] Chang, R. – Chemistry-11th ed. - McGraw-Hill, 2013 (existe na biblioteca a 7ªed., 2002).
[2] Simões J. M, Guia do Laboratório de Química e Bioquímica, ed. Lidel, 2000
[3] Zubrick J. W., The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual,Wiley, 2003.
[4]Bruice, P. Y., Organic chemistry - 4th ed.- Pearson Education International; Prentice Hall, 2004
[5]Souto, R., Pimenta, A., Catarino, R., Manual Prático de Análise Química, Lusodidacta, 2018.