Curricular Unit:Code:
Promotion of Health and Well-being in Children and Adolescents1095PSBE
1CTSPSupport for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
1. Understand the development of children and adolescents as a dynamic and contextual process.
2. Reflect critically about the development of children and adolescents in different contexts, applying the ecological model of human development.
3. Explain the normal development of children and adolescents, identifying the most relevant milestones.
4. Describe and implement activities to promote the development and welfare of children and adolescents.
5. Identify and analyze the key challenges in each stage of child development and adolescent, and elect preventive and therapeutic measures.
6. Reflect on the importance of preventive work with children, adolescents, families and other social actors. Identify prevention
1. Children and Youth - Historical Evolution of Child Health
Rights of children, young people and adolescents
Child and adolescent development: developmental psychopathology
Ecological approach to development.
2. Promotion of child health
1.1. Conscious parenting and parent / child connection
1.2. Child and Youth Development: Early childhood: characteristics and milestones of development; Pre-school age: characteristics and milestones of development; School age: characteristics and milestones of development; Adolescence: characteristics and milestones of development
1.3. Children with special needs.
1.4. Promoting child and adolescent safety
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
It is intended that the contents developed throughout the UC, enable students with theoretical and practical knowledge, in matters of Health Promotion and Welfare of Children and Adolescents, contributing to the acquisition of skills that will enable future qualified senior technicians to perform various functions in the area of support to children and adolescents with special needs, as well as implementing strategies and providing experiences that increase the intensity of intervention and participation in daily activities and consequently the quality of life of the child/youth and their family.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit will be developed based on bibliographic research, analysis, discussion and joint critical reflection on the various topics covered, elaboration and discussion of group-oriented works.
Students will form groups of no more than three members. The continuous assessment will consist of the average of the various works carried out in Group, presentation, and discussion, with a weighting of 50% and written frequency with a weighting of 50%.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In order to respond to the formulated objectives, the methodologies to be used in this UC, will favor interactive methodologies, involving students in the teaching-learning process, centered on the reflection and analysis of the different themes, of their presentation, aiming to form superior technicians, capable to, in a multidisciplinary team and through supervision, assess needs, plan the intervention, mobilize adequate resources, and intervene with the child/adolescent and family.
1. Hockenberry, M; Wilson, D (2014). Wong: Enfermagem da Criança e do Adolescente.Loures. Lusodidata.2. Direção Geral da Saúde. Norma 010/2013 Programa Nacional de saúde Infantil e Juvenil, 2013.
3. Direção Geral da Saúde. Maus Tratos em Crianças e Jovens. Guia Prático de Abordagem, Diagnóstico e Intervenção. Lisboa: DGS, 2011.
4. Ordem dos Enfermeiros – OE – (2011). Guias orientadores de Boa Prática em Enfermagem em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica. III Volume. “Cadernos da OE”. Número 3, Série 1. abril.
5. Ordem dos Enfermeiros- OE - (2011). Guias orientadores de Boa Prática em Enfermagem em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica. II Volume. “Cadernos da OE”. Número 3, Série 1. outubro.
6. Ordem dos Enfermeiros. (2010). Guias orientadores de Boa Prática em Enfermagem em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica. “Cadernos da OE”. Número 3, Série 1. Volume. Novembro.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Inês Filipa Rodrigues (