Curricular Unit:Code:
Development and Language Disorders1095DPLG
1CTSPSupport for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English104
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
LG1. Show familiarity with concepts, theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence in the area of psycholinguistics
LG2. Describe and explain the processes involved in the production and understanding of spoken and written language and formulate hypotheses about the process of language acquisition and development
LG3. Describe and explain language development and its biological, cognitive and social foundations
LG4. Recognize strategies and experiences that facilitate language development
LG5. Understand the language acquisition process, integrate and apply this knowledge in the collection of relevant data on language development in children and language disorders
LG6. Develop oral and written communication skills
LG7. Develop a critical and self-critical attitude and adopt ethical and deontological values
TU1. Concept of communication, language and speech
1.1 Verbal and Nonverbal communication
1.2 Human Communication Versus Animal Communication
1.3 Language: Universal Linguistic
1.4 Perception and Recognition of Spoken Words
1.5 Understanding and Expression
1.6 Speech Production
TU2. Acquisition of Spoken Language
2.1 Language Acquisition Theories
2.2. Facilitators of language development
2.2.1 Parental interaction style
2.2.2 Strategies and experiences
2.2 Precursors of Language
2.3 Periods of Language Development
TU3. Disturbances in the development of communication and language
3.1 Communication disturbances
3.2 Language disorders
3.3 Speech Disorders
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
This course was developed with reference to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of acquisition and development of the language and skills necessary for its promotion. Concretely, and based on an organization in 3 teaching units (TU), it comprises programmatic contents that, defined 7 learning goals (LG) established, privilege the development and deepening of competencies in the following areas: cognitive processes involved in speech comprehension and production; biological, cognitive and social bases for language acquisition; reflective, collaborative, investigative and ethical work. Thus, there is full consistency and correspondence between the programmatic content and the OAs, namely:
TU1 –LG1, LG2, LG5 and LG7;
TU2 – LG1, LG3, LG5, LG6 and LG7;
TU5 – LG1, LG4, LG5, LG6 and LG7.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
In the course of the contact hours the methodologies of expositive, participative and active teaching are privileged. Thus, it is made the presentation of programmatic contents with the use of projections, explanations in the table, exemplifications, observation of video cases. It is also proposed to solve problems in small groups, as well as brainstorming sessions on topics and questions to be investigated by the students through guidance of the research.
The hours of non-contact are dedicated to the autonomous work of the student.
The evaluation of this curricular unit can be continuous or final (end-of-semester, supplementary and special exams periods). In a continuous evaluation:
Active ans assertive participation during contact hours (20%),
written test (50%),
individual assignment (30%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies adopted are aligned with the learning objectives (AO) defined, aiming to allow the student to be informed about facts and procedures in the field of language acquisition and use, understand explanatory theoretical concepts and models of linguistic processing, know changes in this development, as well as apply and build knowledge in this area of activity. The articulation of methodologies of an exhibition character is valued, where the presentation and development of programmatic contents will be made, with methodologies of more practical content, in which critical discussions about them will be promoted and activities of observation and analysis of linguistic productions through videos, at different moments of development. It is intended with this articulation to favor an active learning that allows the deepening of the topics under study as well as the integration of theory with practice, providing grids for the analysis of language disorders from the development and 'normal' processing. The non-contact hours will be dedicated to the autonomous work of the student, where it is intended to see the reading of the recommended bibliography and the implementation of the proposed activities, in order to allow him to deepen, consolidate and apply his knowledge and to develop skills and competences in this area. The combination of these different methodologies will allow the student to achieve the LG proposed, objectives that, for the most part, articulate knowledge, skills and competences
Owens (2014) Language disorders : a functional approach to assessment and intervention .6th ed. - Boston: Pearson
Paul et al (2018) Language disorders : from infancy through adolescence : listening, speaking, reading, writing and, 5ª ed. - Missouri : Elsevier
Castro, S. L. & Gomes, I. (2000). Dificuldades de aprendizagem da língua materna. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Peixoto, V. (2007). Perturbações da comunicação. Importância da deteção precoce. Porto: Edições UFP.
Sim-Sim, I. (1998). Desenvolvimento da linguagem. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Vânia Peixoto (