Curricular Unit:Code:
Different Ways to Communicate1095DFC
1CTSPSupport for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
LO1. Reflect on the importance of interpersonal communication and identify all forms of communication that exist beyond speech.
LO2. Master basic knowledge about gestural and graphic communication.
LO3. Identify candidates for augmentative and alternative communication programs.
LO4. Identify skills for developing teamwork in augmentative and alternative communication.
1. Interpersonal communication
1.1. Individual directory
1.2. Facilitating barriers and attitudes
1.3. Communication: Oral and Non-Oral / Verbal and Non-Verbal
2. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAA)
2.1. Shapes
2.2. Candidates
2.3. Goals
2.4. Types of Augmentative and Alternative Communication System (SAAC): systems with help, without help and mixed
2.5. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of communication systems.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The program of the course was designed with reference to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of different forms of communication and the skills necessary for its promotion. The programmatic contents (PC) were outlined according to the learning objectives (LO) of the curricular unit, namely:
CP1 - LOA1 and LOA2;
CP2 - LOA2 and LOA3.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
During the contact hours are privileged the expository, participatory and active teaching methodologies. CP presentation is made using projections, explanations on the board, examples, observation of video cases. Problem solving in small groups is also proposed, as well as "brainstorming" sessions on topics and issues to be investigated by the students through research guidance.
Non-contact hours are dedicated to the student's autonomous work.
The assessment regime of the UC can be continuous or by final examination (end-of-semester, appeal and special seasons).
In continuous assessment active and assertive participation in the contact hours (20%),
written test (50%),
individual work (30%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The curricular unit consists of theoretical-practical classes. Thus, the exposure of the theories and key concepts of augmentative and alternative communication will always have the participation and critical analysis by students, accompanied by consolidation exercises. The verification of the understanding of these concepts will occur using the expositive method, where the presentation and development of the syllabus will be made, with more practical methodologies, in which critical discussions about them will be promoted. The development of knowledge and skills of this course unit will be carried out through practical work, classroom exercises and autonomous research work and application of the skills acquired. The non-contact hours will be devoted to the student's autonomous work, where it is intended to ensure the reading of the recommended bibliography and the completion of the proposed activities, to allow him to deepen, consolidate and apply his knowledge and to develop skills and competences in this field. The combination of these different methodologies will allow the student to achieve the proposed objectives for the course, which, for the most part, articulate knowledge, abilities, and skills.
Martinsen, H.; von Tetzchener, S. (2000) Introdução à Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa. Porto Editora: colecção Educação Especial no 10
Soto G., Zangari C. (2009). Practically speaking: Language, literacy, & academic development for students with AAC needs. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Alant, E. & Lloyd, L. (ed.) (2009). Augmentative and alternative communication and severe disabilities : beyond poverty. London ; Philadelphia : Whurr Publishers.
Beukelman, D. & Mirenda, P. (ed) (2005). Augmentative and alternative communication : supporting children and 101 de 153 2014-12-23 14:51 ACEF/1415/22017 — Guião para a auto-avaliação /print?processId=1a24... adults with complex communication needs. Baltimore ; London ; Sydney : Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Schlosser, R. W. (203). The efficacy of augmentative and alternative communication : toward evidence- based practice. San Diego : Academic Press
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Rita Alegria (