Curricular Unit:Code:
Internal Audits997AUDI
3UndergraduateQuality, Environment and Safety Management6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This curricular unit aims to give to the students the necessary knowledge to perform internal audits to integrated management systems of Quality, Environment, and Health & Safety. All the phases of internal audits will be covered: preparation, planning, execution and reporting.
At the end of this curricular unit, students are expected to have acquired the following specific learning outcomes:
LO1: Recognize the importance of Internal Audits as tools to assess the effectiveness of management systems and identify improvement opportunities;
LO2: Recognize, interpret and apply audit methodologies, as described in the standard ISO 19011:2018;
LO3: Plan and prepare an Internal Audit;
LO4: Perform Internal Audits to Quality, Environment, and Health & Safety management systems;
LO5: Analyze and interpret information and adequately report audit findings.
LO6: Work autonomously and in a team;
LO7: Communicate arguments and conclusions, orally and by writing.
S1. Basic concepts in Auditing
S2. Audit methodologies: standard ISO 19011:2018
S3. Behavioural concerns
S4. Case studies
4.1 Audits to Quality Management Systems according to ISO 9001
4.2 Audits to Environmental Management Systems according to ISO 14001
4.3 Audits to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems according to ISO 45001
4.4 Audits to integrated management systems.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents are consistent with the objectives and learning outcomes defined for the course as the topics cover theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the different phases of an internal audit of an integrated management system.
The correspondence between the learning outcomes (LO) and the course syllabus is the following;
S1 - LO1, LO4, LO5
S2 - LO2, LO3
S3 - LO4, LO5
S4 . LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
During this curricular unit expositive teaching methodologies will be used, aiming to transmit theoretical knowledge. This knowledge will l be further explored and applied through practical exercises and case studies. We also plan to perform audit simulations in real case scenarios.
The assessment of this course includes:
- An Individual test (counts 40% for the final grade)
- Students’ performance in the practical activities occurring in the scope of this curricular unit (counts 60% to the final grade)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodologies of teaching and learning in this course were programmed in order to promote the concretization of the learning objectives. Through the elaboration of exercises and through the analysis, interpretation and discussion of case studies, students will explore and deepen theoretical knowledge and develop professional competences. The audit simulation sessions in real case scenarios will promote the contact with real situations, and the assessment of the acquired competences.
NP EN ISO 19011:2018. Linhas de orientação para auditorias a sistemas de gestão.
NP EN ISO 9001:2015. Sistemas de gestão da qualidade – Requisitos.
NP EN ISO 14001:2015. Sistemas de gestão ambiental – Requisitos e linhas de orientação para a sua utilização.
NP EN ISO 45001:2019. sistemas de gestão de saúde e segurança ocupacionais – Requisitos e orientações para a sua utilização.
Pinto, A. (2018) Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade – Guia para a sua implementação. Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.
Pinto, A. (2018) ISO 14001:2015 – Gestão Ambiental. Lidel, Lisboa.
Pinto, A. (2019) ISO 45001:2018 – Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho. Lidel, Lisboa.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Álvaro Monteiro (
Ana Fonseca (
Sónia Silva (