Curricular Unit:Code:
Atmospheric and Noise Pollution823PATS
3UndergraduateEnvironmental Engineering5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
On this UC topics related to physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and the management of air quality will be addressed, as well as aspects related to environmental noise.
At the end of the UC, the student should possess the following skills:
• Essential concepts in air pollution:
the vertical structure of the atmosphere;
the atmospheric stability;
Processes for the deposition of pollutants;
the basic chemistry of the atmosphere;
the construction of databases of emissions;
the monitoring and management of air quality;
the numerical models;
the applicable legislation.
• Essential concepts in environmental noise:
Behavior of sound waves;
Analysis of the sound waves;
the measurement of noise;
Control of noise;
Effect of noise on human beings;
Legislation of concern
Air Pollution
The atmosphere: vertical structure; composition; radiation and energy balance; spatial and temporal scales of atmosphere processes. Emission of atmospheric pollutants: atmospheric pollutants and their sources; atmospheric pollutant inventories. The pollutants in the atmosphere: the chemistry of the atmosphere (gas phase); transport and dispersion of pollutants; dry and wet deposition processes.
Air quality management: air quality management and control strategies; air quality networks; air quality data interpretation; numerical tools. National legislation: analysis and application examples.
Noise pollution
Behaviour of sound waves: propagation and sound wave propagation; sound intensity; reflection, refraction e diffraction of sound waves; absorption and transmission of sound waves; summation of pure tones; sound spectra. Analysis of sound waves and measuring sounds. Controlling sounds and sound effects on Humans. National legislation: analysis and application examples.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The course contents are consistent with the goals formulated for the course since the topics included in the program covering the main aspects of the study introducing the basic concepts of atmospheric pollution and environmental noise and the legislation of concern.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodologies are mainly expositive, interrogative and demonstrative, both during classes and tutorial orientation sessions. Case-studies are frequently used, in order to allow the interpretation and correct application of theoretical knowledge. Students are encouraged and oriented to perform research essays. Whenever possible, lectures with external guests are promoted.
The evaluation is continuous, through the practical application of knowledge in individual or group assignments, and research essays.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodologies of teaching and learning of this course were programmed in order to maximize a global view of the atmospheric and noise pollution issues by the students as well as the policies and techniques applicable in its resolution. The teaching methodologies are consistent with the objectives of the curricular unit as the expositive methodology combined with the analysis of case studies; works and development of enable a good comprehension of the challenge posed to the future Environmental Engineers.
[1] APA, 2011. Emissões de Poluentes Atmosféricos por Concelho 2009: Gases acidificantes e eutrofizantes, precursores de ozono, partículas, metais pesados e gases com efeito de estufa.
[2] Cunniff,P.F.. Environmental noise pollution. NY, John Wiley, 1977.
[3] EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2013. Technical guidance to prepare national emission Inventories (Tec. Rep. 12/2013).
[4] Evarest, F.A.. Master Handbook of Acoustics. McGraw-Hill, 4th ed., 2001.
[5] Legislação aplicável à poluição atmosférica
[6] Legislação aplicável à poluição sonora
[7] Seinfeld, J.H. and Pandis, S.N.. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics – From Air Pollution to Climate Change. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
[8] Stull, R., - An introduction to boundary-layer meteorology. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.