Curricular Unit:Code:
Methodology of the Master Dissertation145MDM
5MasterArchitecture and Urbanism3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English39
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This subject aims to provide students with the skills and tools to develop a master thesis, witch implies developing scientific work and research methodologies and stathegies. The final aim is to develop a master thesis project and scheduling the work to be undertaken.
Methodology and scientific work; studying and learning methods and strategies; scientific work tipologies, work structure. Scientific work research and nature; bibliographic references; bibliography structure, research tipologies, research project, data colection. Quantitative and qualitative research. Editing regulation. Writting and language. Graphic regulations. Practical aspects of oral presentation.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus contents presented aim to develop skills and the use of different research tools that will allow students to develop a master thesis project namely to define objectives, structure and working plan according to the selected methodology. To achieve these aims is necessary to know the different studying and learning methods and strategies, the different scientific work typologies, and ways to develop the work structure. Other important issues relate to the theoretical framework and its bibliographic references, data collection, writing and language, as well as practical considerations related to the thesis oral presentation and discussion.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
This unit is based in theorectical and practical lectures about different methodologies and approaches to research work using different work resources and tools as well as applied practical exercises.
The evaluation process will include a periodic evaluation based on the following elements:
A. Elaboration and oral presentation of the Dissertation Project.
B. Selection of bibliography and abstracts of bibliography.
C. Participation in classroom theory and practice. Participation in classroom student understands not only your interest and participation in class, but also their participation and performance in lecture-discussion of topics proposed by teachers, members of matters of discipline, and prepared by students independently.
The final grade the student is calculated by the equation:
Final grade = 0,6*(A) + 0,3*(B) + 0,1*(C)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies are consistent with the objectives of the curricular unit as the expositive methodology combined with the analysis of case studies, works and development of enable a good comprehension of the challenges facing future professionals.
Eco, U., 2003, Como se faz uma tese, Ed. 18 , Perspectiva
Alves, M., 2003,Como escrever tese e monografias, Editora Campus, Rio de Janeiro.
Pereira, A.; Poupa, C., 2018, Como escrever uma tese, monografia ou livro científico usando o Word, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.
Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Manual de Elaboração de Trabalhos Científicos, UFP [Em linha]. Disponível em . [Consultado em 06/09/2012].
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Miguel Branco Teixeira (