Curricular Unit:Code:
Foreign Language -Spanish-145LEE1
3MasterArchitecture and Urbanism4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
O objectivo da disciplina consiste na aquisição do nível limiar da língua espanhola que se manifesta na competência comunicativa indispensável para as situações de vida quotidiana adequadas ao domínio social. A competência gramatical há-de permitir o seguimento correcto de ensino da língua e ajudar no contacto com os documentos escritos em espanhol. Sublinha-se a importância de estruturas modais e tácticas para resolver dificuldades pontuais de compreensão ou de expressão. As competências linguísticas devem ser demostradas nas quatro habilidades linguísticas: compreensão oral, compreensão escr
Threshold level
A. Grammaire: 1.Simple phrase. Category (verb, noun, adjective, adverb). Concordance. 2. The noun and the adjective. Particulars in reference to inflection in gender and number. 3. The pronouns. 4. The verb: Inflection I. Regular verbs. 5. The prepositions. Differences with the Portuguese language. 6. The conjunctions. Phonetic and phonological aspects. Correlation with orthography.
B.Vocabulary1.Semantic Fields:. Person identification. Work relations and professions. Physical and inimical states. Leisure-time activity. Culture and civilisation.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Activities related to the learning of the Spanish language: reading of small stories/news, identifying the key words, the main ideas, the theme; summarising it (oral and written work)
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Activities related to the learning of the Spanish language. Students will be in touch with different media (oral and written ones), where they will show their comprehension and writing skills.
- Santiago Guervós, Javier y Fernández González, Jesús (2017): Red ELE revista electrónica de didáctica del español lengua extranjera, número XX, De Fundamentos para la enseñanza del español como 2/L. Madrid.
- Silvia López Ripoll, Mireia Español Giralt y Mónica Moreno Tarrés (2015): Conversar en español B1-B2 (ESPAÑOL PARA EXTRANJEROS) Editor: Universidad De Barcelona.
- HERMOSO G. A. (2015): Gramática de español lengua extranjera, Madrid, Edelsa.
- W.A. (2015): Nuevo Prisma B1 - Libro del alumno (Español Lengua Extranjera), Editor: Edinumen.
[3] HERMOSO G. A.: Gramática de español lengua extranjera, Madrid, Edelsa, 1995.
[4] HERMOSO G. A.: Español lengua extranjera. Nivel 1, Madrid, Edelsa, 1996.
[5] JIMENEZ ROSA: Vocabulario, Sociedad Española de Librería, Madrid, 1991.
[6] CASTRO F.: Ven 1 – Español lengua extranjera, Madrid, Edelsa, 1994.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Ana Toscano (