Curricular Unit:Code:
Drawing II145DES2
1MasterArchitecture and Urbanism7 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English91
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
In the follow-up of Drawing I (first semester), it is intended that the student face and use the drawing not only as a mean of understanding and representation of forms and spaces, but also as an indispensable tool to the act of doing and thinking architecture.
At the end of the semester the student should be able to:
- Represent, through a set of tools of plastic expression, the immersive reality;
- Produce drawings as a synthesis of the process of capture of space;
- Ensure the essential critical reasoning expansion of the drawing produced;
- Develop the skills of plastic expression through the drawing process as a mean of communication and registration of the reality (understanding of the space) as well as the registration of ideas (concepts and spaces);
- Associate the syllabus with others, in particularly curricular units as like Project.
1. The representation of space
1.1 . Drawing of the place
1.2 . Drawings with multiple vision
1.3 . Graphics Systems of representation
2. Architectural Drawing
2.1 . Conception drawing of the Shape and seizure of the built context
2.2 . Dimensions, shapes and movements
2.3 . Adaptation of the drawing to the creative process
3. Systems notions and use of color concepts
3.1 . The use of color in history
3.2 . The use of color on the architectural object
3.3 . Structure of the Color
3.4 . The visible colors spectrum
3.5 . Chromatic Circle or circle of colors
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The curricular unit of drawing aims to:
- Capacitate the student for the creative act and development of projects through the drawing;
- Develop ways of seeing, to observe and communicate using the drawing as experimental instrument in the representation of a place, stressing the expressive and compositional images strand.
- Promote the representation of space, whereas conceptual processes, subjective and artistic drawing through methodologies that seek discovery, through research and experimentation;
- Provide, from the universal language of drawing, the expressiveness and technical skills in abstract or real images, allowing leverage conceptual principles about the architecture project and enabler of creative intentionalities;
- Use the practical component of the curricular unit as a complement to others curricular units, in particular Project;
- Develop aesthetic sensitivity, expressive capacity, as well poetic and symbolic dimensions.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit of Drawing II aims to improve the drawing skills and the representation of reality as an instrument of space seizure, as well as the creation of bases for their use as a mean of achievement for ideas, concepts and spaces.
Throughout the semester will be explained theoretical contents in the the classes, which will result in the development of practical exercises.
An examination of the results obtained will be made with critical joint between teachers and students. Will be also developed exercises outside of space/time of the classroom, including drawings of observation, as well as other exercises without pre-defined space.
Will be part of teaching methodologies visits to exhibitions and places of interest for the curricular unit.
The evaluation method of the curricular unit is based on the continuous evaluation model and involves the practical component resulting from developed exercises carried out inside and outside of space/time of the classroom.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The practical component of this curricular unit is centered mainly in the process of elaboration of several practical exercises, which will have as grounded basis for its development, the theoretical contents exposed in the course of the lessons. The process of definition of the theoretical content of this curricular unit, as well as the adopted teaching methodologies, had in high consideration their applicability in practical exercise to do and think about architecture, being the acquired knowledge in this curricular unit fundamental in its relation/consistency with the others programmatic contents of other curricular units, as like the curricular units of Project. That way, this adopted teaching methodology, in a context of compact classes and with the proximity teacher/student, allows students with a continuous acquisition of knowledge and skills convered in the context of the learning objectives of this curricular unit.
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[2] Arnheim, R (1984), "Visual Thinking", Univ. Californica Press
[3] Betti, C. E Sale T.( 1986),“Drawing – a contemporary approach”, ed. Fort worth
[4] Edwards, B. (1984), “ Aprender a dibujar” Madrid, ed. Hermann Blume
[5] Godfrey, T. (1990), “ Drawing today”, USA, Phaidon Inc Ltd
[6] Massironi, Manfredo (1996), “ Ver pelo desenho”, Lisboa, Edições 70
[7] Leymarie, J. et al. (1979), “ Le dessin”, Skyra
[8] Rawson, Ph. (1990), “Diseño”, ed. Nerea
[9] Ruskin, J. (1999), “ Técnicas de dibujo”, ed. Laertes
[10] Speed, H. (1944), “ La pratica y la ciencia del dibujo”, Ed. Albatros
[11] Ching, Francis D. K. (1999), "Dibujo y proyeto", México, Gustavo Gili