Curricular Unit:Code:
Computer Aided Design145DAC
1MasterArchitecture and Urbanism4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
With this curricular unit, it is intended to integrate the theoretical knowledge of technical drawing with the computer tool to support the project work, grating skills to promote the professional integration of young architects.
The studies to be carried out in this curricular unit, will be based in the exploration of a computer-aided design software (CAD), with the purpose and objective of controlling the tool, allowing students to draw accurately the pieces that make up the architecture project. At the same time will be introduced notions regarding information management and organization of those pieces.
Will be approached the technical design normative, allowing the adequate graphic expression through the computer aid, ally of the architectural design graphic language.
At the end of the semester, the student should dominate the tool and be able to correctly represent, according to the established normative, architectural technical drawings
A – TECHNICAL DRAWING (Optional for architecture students)
1. Technical Drawing
2. Normalization
3. Geometrical Constructions
4. Classification of plane geometrical projections
5. Introduction to projection systems
6. Architecture and engineering projects reading
7. Architecture and engineering projects drawing
8. Architecture and engineering projects dimension lining
1. Introduction to Computer Assisted Drawing
2. Program architecture
3. Parameters definition
4. Geometrical data input
5. Drawing facilities
6. Visualization commands
7. Edition Commands
8. Area filling (Textures)
9. Drawing dimensions and dimension lining
10. Entities grouping in drawing blocks
11. Autocad drawing printing. Configuring of printing parameters.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
At the end of the semester the student should be able to:
- possess the analysis skills of technical drawings;
- possess the knowledge of the technical design normatives;
- possess the production capacity of rigorous technical drawings;
- possess the production capacity of technical drawings presentations;
- develop a creative approach and a work presentation composition with the quality and field of digital design.
- show organization skills using the tool (autocad) and while preparing the project drawings
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The “practice lessons", should be based on the orientation of the student, so that it achieves the goals of the curricular unit. The student should go exposing the follow-up of its work for the appearance of moments of critical dialog and collective reflection.
The “theoretical lessons” should support and justify the practical lessons, through the brief exposure of the matters to be developed during the classes, for which the participation of the student is guaranteed. The knowledge and skills acquired by the student will be exposed in the graphic exhibition, written and oral, as well as in the presentation/discussion of four evaluation moments, on the dates scheduled.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The practical component of this curricular unit is centered mainly in the process of elaboration of several practical exercises, which will have as grounded basis for its development, the theoretical contents exposed in the course of the lessons. Will be also developed some practical exams, with practical contents fundamentally, with the purpose of exposing the acquired knowledge of the various programmatic contents. The process of definition of the theoretical content of this curricular unit, as well as the adopted teaching methodologies, had in high consideration to their applicability into the exercise to do and think about architecture, being the acquired knowledge in this curricular unit fundamental in its relation/consistency with the others programmatic contents of other curricular units, as like the curricular units of Project. That way, this adopted teaching methodology, in a context of compact classes and with the proximity teacher/student, allows students with a continuous acquisition of knowledge and skills convered in the context of the learning objectives of this curricular unit.
[1] GARCIA, José (2015) “AutoCAD 2015 e AutoCAD LT 2015: curso completo”, Lisboa, Editora de Informática
[2] SANTOS, José (2015) “AutoCAD 2016 & 2015: guia de consulta rápida”, Lisboa, Editora de Informática
[3] SILVA, Arlindo [et al.] (2004) “Desenho Técnico Moderno”, Lisboa, Lidel, Edições Técnicas
[4] CUNHA, Luís Veiga da (1994) “Desenho Técnico”, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
[5] MORAIS, José M. Simões (1999), “Desenho Técnico Básico 3”, Porto, Porto Editora, 22ª edição
[6] MAGUIRE, D.E., (1981) “Desenho Técnico”, São Paulo, Hemus
[7] FERREIRA, Patricia, (2001) “Desenho de Arquitectura”, Rio de Janeiro, Livro Técnico
[8] BIELEFELD, Bert, (2007) “Basics Technical Drawing”, Suiça, Birkhäuser
[9] NEUFERT, Ernst, (1998) “Arte de Projectar em Arquitectura”, São Paulo, Gustavo Gili
[10] RODRIGUES, Maria João Madeira (1996) “Vocabulário Técnico e Crítico de Arquitectura”, Lisboa, Quimera