Curricular Unit:Code:
Construction Systems in Architecture I145SCA1
2MasterArchitecture and Urbanism4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
It is intended with this curricular unit that the student understands the intrinsic relation between designing and building, understanding that to make a project constructible it cannot remain abstract, being necessary the wise combination of materials.
Thus, with this course unit the student should be able to:
- Understand that it is not possible to disassociate the design process from its constructive definition;
- Know materials and construction techniques;
- Define constructive solutions for architectural designs;
- Analyze works from a conceptual and constructive point of view.
1. Materializing an idea – the design-build unity
2. Brief historical analysis
The evolution of architecture according to the materials and construction techniques evolution
3. Elementary notions
Structural elements and non-structural elements
Heavy construction, light construction, mixed solutions
Common arts in construction (stonework, carpentry, metalwork, etc.)
Common materials (stone, wood, metal, concrete, ceramic, etc.)
Behavior of a construction (solidity, waterproofing, thermal, lighting, efficiency, etc.)
4. The elements of a building
Foundation / contact with the ground, floors and vertical circulation; walls and openings; roof
5. Materials and construction systems
Raw material and transformed material: modules or construction parts
Conjugation of modules or construction parts
6. The definition of the constructive solution
Execution Project; constructive detail
Designed pieces and written pieces.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Being the introduction to the construction issue, an approach to the design-build relation is first carried out, followed by the identification of the various elements of a construction. Understanding what a construction is, common construction systems and materials are presented. Finally, the elements that constitute an architectural execution project are identified. The student will acquire the necessary knowledge to define appropriate construction solutions, as well as know how to communicate them.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The theoretical classes are mainly based on the exposition of contents, analyzing several examples of works, with ample incentive for debate and discussion. The theoretical-practical and practical classes are also based on the exposition of contents, particularly analyzing construction details of built works, as well as the development of an individual work that consists on the constructive definition of a project by the student. Also, a group work will be carried out, consisting on an analysis of a constructed work. The evaluation includes a theoretical-practical assessment test, and the development of the individual and group works.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The analysis of constructed works allows the student to develop the capacity for research and criticism, while understanding and consolidating the contents from the classes. Developing the individual work of defining the constructive solutions of an own design, the student develops the ability to solve constructive problems, as well as the proper way to communicate and describe them, through written and drawn pieces.
Allen, E. (1997). Como Funciona un Edificio. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.
Chudley, R. & Greeno, R. (2006). Manual de Construccion de Edificios. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.
Deplazes, A. (2010). Construir la Arquitectura. Del material em bruto al edifício. Um manual. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.
Gonçalves, M. & Margarido, F. (editoras) (2012). Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais de Construção. Instituto Superior Técnico.
Ito, R. (2013). Álvaro Siza Design Process. Instituto Superior Técnico.
Mcmorrough, J. (2006). Materials, Structures, and Standards. Rockport. Massachusetts.
Mascarenhas, J. (vários anos). Sistemas de Construção (vários números e temas). Livros Horizonte.
Reichel, A. & Schultz, K. (editores) (2014). Scale: Support I Materialise: Columns, Walls, Floors. Birkhauser. Basel.
Van Lengen, J. (2010). Manual do Arquiteto Descalço. Dinalivro.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Daniel Félix (