Curricular Unit:Code:
Communication Methods and Techniques145MTC
1MasterArchitecture and Urbanism4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Increased knowledge and ability to understand the specific stages and characteristics of scientific methodology.
Application of knowledge and understanding to the elaboration of a scientific project.
Ability to gather, select and interpret relevant information, in order to prepare a scientific project.
Skills in written/oral communication in a structured, organised, and comprehensive manner aimed at different audiences.
Skills in self-learning, namely in the gathering and treatment of information.
The practical component of MTC trains students to use personal productivity tools, and provides a broad set of concepts and techniques that will allow the student to acquire specific skills to explore the potential of collaborative tools, efficient use of interactivity and integration within the scope of various computer applications covered.
1. Methodology of scientific work
1.1 Reading, collecting and handling information.
1.2 Bibliographic research and referencing norms.
1.3 General features of scientific discourse.
1.4 Structure of scientific work: oral and written
2. Textual production
2.1 Text types used in the scientific area of Architecture.
2.2 Written strategies and norms
2.3 Summarising and expanding ideas
Practical Part
1. Use of Electronic Bibliographic Resources
2. Introduction to scientific databases for bibliographic research
3. Collaborative tools: cloud
4. Legal notions and other relevant topics
5. Word
6. PowerPoint
7. Excel
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The programme contents presented cover the essential and coherent fields of knowledge which are necessary to attain the objectives listed, since they are aimed at the two main areas: the methodology of scientific work and the development of reading and writing skills.
The topics cover the course objectives, as they provide for learning and training of all the major course outcomes. Students acquire skills and competences in the major topics of the course, though lectures and hands-on exercises relating essential collaborative tools and the well-known applications Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The theoretical component classes are based on exposure of the main content and its implementation via small exercises; prominence is given to reading and analysing texts, as well as text production in class.
Students are assessed through a written test, and an assignment presented in class: conference paper.
1 written test: 50%
1 assignment: 50%
In the classes of the practical component, a methodology is used that is eminently practical, in order to introduce knowledge that facilitates the perception of the fundamental principles of the subject, the applications and technologies that support them, and the methods and tools necessary for their development.
The evaluation will be carried out throughout the semester through a written test and participation in class exercises.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Since this is a transversal and practical curricular unit, the above mentioned teaching methodologies are coherent with the objectives of the discipline. It is the purpose of the discipline is to make the students acquire the generic skills of the curricular unit, encompassing knowledge that integrates communication and information technology. The proposed methodologies are consistent with the objectives formulated for the course unit, as they focus on the interpretation, knowledge, deepening and improvement of various tools directly related to the discipline of Informatics, covering relevant and necessary topics or content in this scientific area.
Cunha, C. e Cintra, L. F. L. (2015). Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa, Edições Figueirinhas.
Freixo, J. V,(2018) (5ªed.) Metodologia Científica: Fundamentos, métodos e técnicas.Instituto Piaget.
Gonçalves et al. (2021) Manual de Investigação Qualitativa. Pactor.
Quivy, R. & Van Campenhoudt, L. (2018) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Gradiva.
Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Manual de elaboração de trabalhos científicos. [Em linha]. Disponível em
Parte Prática
Grant, A.E. and Meadows, J.H. eds., 2020. Communication technology update and fundamentals. Routledge.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Alzira Dinis (
Sandra Tuna (