Curricular Unit:Code:
Applied Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine1023OTOA
2UndergraduateSpeech Therapy5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Applied ENT is an area of fundamental importance for the Degree in Speech Therapy.
The central objective of this area is the integration of several knowledge of the ENT area with special interest to Speech Therapists.
Some of the pathological entities discussed, are associated with dysfunctions in patients with reflexes in phonation and deglutition.
Other dysfunctions with neurological base have repercussions in organs and systems that interact with chewing, voice and swallowing, making it fundamental to approach them in the curricula of the future Speech Therapists.
Finally, psychological dysfunctions are also analyzed, trying to teach students how these situations can affect vocal performance.
CP1.Nodules, polyps and other minor lesions of larynx
CP2.Vocal dysfunctions of psychic origin
CP3.Spastic dysphonia
CP4.Paralysis of vocal cords. Diagnosis and intervention.
CP5.Vocal tremulous in several pathologies
CP6. Orofacial motricity disorders
CP7.Dysphagia. Concept and clinical evaluation
CP8.Deglutition and phonation disorders associated with cervico facial oncologic diseases
CP9.Vocal disturbances associated with partial laryngeal surgeries
CP10.Vocal disturbances associated with radical larynx surgery
CP11.Esophageal voice and aplicability
CP12.Methods of voice rehabilitation in laryngectomized patients
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
OA1.Vocal evaluation.Audio-perceptual assessment.Vocal dysfunctions in minimal vocal cords injuries.
OA2/OA5.Dysphonias of psychic nature.Muscle tension dysphonias.Spastic and neurological based dysphonias.Analyze procedures associated with pitch, loudness, duration and vocal quality.Intervention methods.
OA3/OA4.Aerodynamics of vocal function and contextualization in vocal cord paralysis.
OA6.Pulmonary capacity measures.Phonatory efficiency in clinical entities with impact in laryngeal function and orofacial motricity.
OA7/OA8.Analyze dysphagia concept, etiologies, assessment and intervention.
AO9.Vocal disorders associated with partial and radical laryngeal surgeries, integrating concepts of aerodynamics and transglottic airflows.
OA10/OA11.Intervention methodologies in laryngectomized patients with special emphasis on the esophageal voice.
OA12.Identify and describe the most relevant elements of a clinical history in a patient with voice disorders.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Contents will be taught in an expositive base, and their exposition will be accompanied by images that illustrate the subjects more realistically.
Kknowledge, in the theoretical and practical component, will be evaluated in two different moments, through the realization of a test type examination, composed by multiple choice, true / false type and development questions, being each test quoted with 20 values.
Another component of the classification will be obtained by the elaboration of a specific work leading a selected theme also quoted with 20 values,.
The classification of this component will be the average of these two components.
Normal season
- Distributed Evaluation
TEO: 2 Written tests (50% + 50%)
TPRA: 2 Written tests (50%+50%)
Final Note: Average notes (positive approvals) for both TP and P components
Final Season
- Written Exam (100%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
It is intended with this curricular unit that students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that allows them to understand some of the fundamentals underlying problems in chewing, swallowing and phonation which are associated to pathological situations in the areas such as Otorhinolaryngology, Neurology and even Psychiatry. It is also intended that students can understand how some surgeries directed to the treatment of oncological pathologies of the oral cavity, oro / hypopharynx and larynx, condition changes in voice and swallowing, helping them to understand some of the methodologies rehabilitation contexts, in order to reduce functional sequelae Analyzing the proposed contents (CP) and the learning objectives (AO), it becomes clear the parallelism between each of the points listed.
Cummings Otolaryngology, Sixth Edition Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc
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