Curricular Unit:Code:
Pediatric Dentistry II841OPD2
4MasterDentistry4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Students should acquire a solid theoretical knowledge of advanced topics of Pediatric Dentistry. Based on theoretical knowledge previously acquired, students should incorporate new knowledge on issues related to not so frequent pathologies.
Basic clinical acts will be carried out in pediatric patients with teacher supervision.
At the end of the semester students should be able to perform, independently, the basic treatments in young temporary and permanent teeth, and bear in mind the theoretical knowledge to the realization of more complex treatments in the future.
Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry clinical consultation.
Anomalies of tooth development.
Molar-Incisor hypomineralization.
Dental trauma classification.
Traumatic injuries in the primary teeth.
Traumatic injuries in young permanent teeth.
Prevention of bacterial endocarditis.
Medical emergencies in pediatric dentistry.
Dentistry in medically compromised patients.
The temporomandibular joint in pediatric patient.
Oral problems in children.
Diagnosis of child abuse in pediatric dentistry.
Minimally invasive dentistry.
Oral health before and after birth.
Periodontal problems in children and adolescents.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Advanced topics of Pediatric Dentistry are those that allow students the diagnosis of non-physiological conditions (anomalies of tooth development, oral problems and pathology associated with tooth eruption), the underlying theoretical knowledge procedures in emergency situations (medical emergencies and traumatic injuries in both the dentition) and other diseases (associated with tooth eruption, the temporomandibular joint, oral problems, periodontal and medically compromised patients).
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The course will be divided the components Theoretical (15h), Laboratorial Practice (30h). The theoretical component will focus in advanced topics of Pediatric Dentistry, using theoretical presentations of the syllabus. Laboratorial Practices will consist in clinical care of children performing a reasoned diagnosis based in theoretical knowledge and implementation of a treatment plan. Basic treatments will be performed under supervision.
The evaluation will result from Theoretical and Laboratorial Practice components, with a weight of 50% each. In Theoretical component, a written test will be held at the end of the semester. The evaluation in Laboratorial Practice will be continuous, and the final grade calculated using the average obtained in various evaluations carried out. The approval of this curricular unit correspond to 4 ECTS, with mandatory minimum grade of 10 in each of the evaluated components.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The division of the curricular unit in its various componentes allow the deepening of theoretical knowledge of the topics covered in classes of Theoretical component. In Laboratory Practices students can apply the knowledge gained in Theoretical component for the diagnosis and establishment a treatment plan in real patients. Clinical acts previously performed in simulated clinic may now be carried out in the patients with teacher supervision. Continuous evaluation allows the student to be aware of the progression of their skills and competences in Laboratory Practice component, based on the acquired theoretical knowledge. In Tutorial Orientation and Other components activities will be developed in order to allow students to exercise oral and written presentations, deepening analytical skills, synthesis capacity and knolwdge systematization, to develop a critical and reflective spirit.
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Barbería, E. (1997). Lesiones traumáticas en odontopediatría – Dientes temporales y permanentes jóvenes. Barcelona. Masson
Barbería E. et alli. (1995). Odontopediatría. Barcelona. Masson
Boj, JR. e Ferreira, LP. (2010). Atlas de Odontopediatria. Madrid. Ripano
Boj, JR. et alli. (2004). Odontopediatría. Barcelona. Masson
IAPD Dental Traumatolgoy Guide-lines, 2020
Laskaris, G. (2000). Color Atlas of Oral Diseases in Children and Adolescents. New York. Thieme e Stuttgart
McDonald, RE. e Avery, DR. (1995). Odontopediatria. Rio de Janeiro. (6ªedição)
Millet, D. e Welbury, R. (2000). Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry. Churchill Livingstone
Kramer, PF., Feldens, CA. e Romano, AR. (1997). Promoção de Saúde Bucal em Odontopediatria- diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento da cárie oclusal. São Paulo. Ed. Artes Médicas
Pereira, A. et alli. (2001). Cáries Precoces da Infância. Medisa