Curricular Unit:Code:
Maternal Health Nursing II - Clinical Education852EMT2
3UndergraduateNursing6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The curricular unit of Maternal Health Nursing II, aims to provide the undergraduate nursing student with the mobilization of knowledge, skills and abilities, learned at the level of the curricular unit of Maternal Health Nursing I, for the context of clinical teaching. This entails two moments: seminars and internship. The seminars, at the university, vision to prepare students for the internship. The internship takes place in a Obstetrics / Maternity service, aims at acquiring scientific, technical and interpersonal skills that allow, among other things, planning, executing and evaluating nursing interventions for pregnant women / new mothers and their newborns and their families, understanding ethical responsibilities And legal aspects of Nursing and apply the Nursing Process as a scientific work methodology, using the CIPE language.
Nursing interventions in pregnancy
Nursing interventions in labor;
Nursing Interventions for the Newborn;
Nursing Interventions in the Puerperium;
Nursing home interventions for the puerperal.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The internship takes place in a hospital context, in a Obstetrics / Maternity service. In the consultation, the nursing students have the opportunity, guided by a specialist nurse, to observe and collaborate in the maternal health nursing consultations, to do health education on themes related to the theme of the semester and to participate in sessions to prepare for parenting. In the obstetrics / maternity service, students have the opportunity to first observe the care provided by nurses and then, under the guidance of the nurse / pedagogical assistant, to plan, execute and evaluate nursing care to the puerperium / newborn / family in a Holistic approach, preserving the ethical and deontological principles as well as the maintenance of a safe environment, mobilizing the acquired competences in the curricular unit of Maternal Health Nursing I .
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Seminars, which include the demonstration of specific procedures for maternal health nursing, guidance and clinical supervision performed by the nurse / pedagogical assistant and the university nurse supervisor.
Due to the importance of evaluation as a learning moment, it should be continuous, with emphasis on the effort and responsibility shown by the student in the construction of his / her knowledge: knowing how to do, knowing how to be and knowing how to be. Thus, the final classification of the EC will include:
• Classification of the practical component of the internship;
• Classification of the internship and work report and participation in the seminar.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The student begins by observing the care provided by the nurses, in order to progressively plan, execute and evaluate the care provided to the users, always with the supervision of the nurse adviser / pedagogical assistant. In the group sessions, clinical cases are analyzed that allow to reflect on the singularity of each situation, developing in the student a critical and helping spirit.
Bobak, M., Deitra, Irene;; Lowolermilk, L.; Jensen. M.: D.; Perry, Shannon E. (1999). Enfermagem na Maternidade. , 4ª ed. Lusociência.
Burroughs, Arlene. (1995). Uma Introdução à Enfermagem Materna. Porto Alegre, 6ª Ed. Artes Médicas Sul Lda.
Cabero Romero, Luis (2003) Tratado de Ginecologia, Obstetricia y Medicina de la Reproduccion (Tomo I e II), 1º Ed. Editorial Panamericana,S.A.
Colman, A. & Colman, L. (1994). Gravidez: a experiência psicológica. Lisboa: Edições Colibri.
Galvão, Dulce (2005). Amamentação bem sucedida: alguns factores determinantes. Loures: Lusociências- Edições Técnicas e Científicas, Lda.
Jonathan S ,Berek. (2002). Novak’s Gynecology. Baltimore, 12ªed. Lippincott Williams e Wilkins.
Lowdermilk, Deitra ; Shannon Perry. (2008). Enfermagem na Maternidade, Lisboa, 7ª ed. Lusodidacta.