Curricular Unit:Code:
2UndergraduateNutrition Sciences5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Biostatistic intends to introduce and to develop statistic analysis knowledge techniques, presenting pertinent examples and practical situations in order to demonstrate the concepts. The principal objective is to build solid knowledge and to develop the student critic spirit.
Basic concepts. Descriptive statistics: type of variables, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, partition, dispersion, asymmetry and kurtosis. Correlation and Linear regression. Random variables: discrete and continuous random variables, probability distribution function and cumulative distribution function for univariate discrete and continuous variables. Some important probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables. Confidence intervals: for the mean, for the variance, for the proportion, for RR and OR. Sample dimension calculation. Parametric and non-parametric hypothesis testing: approaches to hypothesis testing, type I and type II errors. Most common tests.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Biostatistics function as an aid to scientific research in health. The selected programatic contents are those used in exploratory data analysis and of inference of any quantitative research.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The methodology of teaching and learning is expository, interrogative and demonstrative. Drawing on problem solving and oriented study geared to allow understanding and application of fundamental concepts and methods applied in descriptive statistics and statistical inference.
Periodic evaluation with two tests. The final evaluation will be expressed through a classification in the entire numerical scale of 0 the 20, in which each test has an equal weight of 50%. The lack of attendance to one or more evaluation tests impliesthe non attribution of the ECTS situation, meaning the evaluation through an examination. The minimum percentage of frequency in the theoretical and theoretical-practical lessons of this subject is the minimal demanded according to regimen of the contact hours considered in the UFP Pedagogical Regulation.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Classes focus on active and participative methods with a view to a practical application of the critical contents covered during the lessons. The critical reading of pappers, manly the materail and methods and the results' sections will allow to understand how to write about data analysis methods and how to see/read the results of those methods aplied to the data.
[1] DANIEL, WW; Cross, CL. Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 11th ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2018.
[2] DAWSON, B; Trapp, RG. Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2004. [DAWSON, B; Trapp, RG. Bioestatística Básica e Clínica, 3ª ed., McGraw-Hill, 2003.]
[3] Gouveia de Oliveira, A. Bioestatística Descodificada. 2ª edição, LIDEL, 2014.