Curricular Unit:Code:
1MasterPharmaceutical Sciences7 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English91
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The Course of Anatomophysiology aims to provide knowledge bases on the functioning of the systems that constitute the human organism, namely the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems. The study of this course should enable the student to acquire knowledge regarding the anatomy of the human body and its functional implications: mastering anatomical terminology, locating and relating anatomical structures and describing its action in maintaining body homeostasis.
Organization of the human body. Reference planes. Skeletal System: Description of skeletal bones. Bone Development and Growth. Types of joints. Muscular System: Description of the muscles. Physiology of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle. Energy sources. Cardiovascular System: Anatomy of the heart. Blood vessels. Pulmonary and systemic circulation. Lymphatic system. Respiratory System: Functions and anatomy. Gas exchange. Transport of blood gases. Digestive System: Anatomy and Physiology. Urinary System: Anatomy and Physiology. Urine production. Regulation of urine concentration and volume. Reproductive system: Anatomy and physiology of male and female reproductive systems. Nervous System: Nervous System Divisions. Synapses Central and Peripheral Nervous System. Cranial nerves. Autonomic Nervous System. Endocrine System: Hormones. Control of hormonal secretion. Mechanisms of action and hormonal receptors. Endocrine glands.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The construction of the syllabus , with the approach of the morphological and functional aspects of human body , with theoretical , theoretical- practical and practical information of the topics addressed , including the use of appropriate teaching resources such as manipulation of anatomical models , is properly appropriate to the learning process in the discipline of Human Anatomy and Physiology.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodology relies on the use of didactic resources, such as power point material and manipulation of anatomical models.
There will be 2 theoretical -practical tests, during the semester, involving the taught syllabus. Weighted averages will be calculated to 2 decimal places.
The student is considered "Approved" with a rating equal to or greater than 9.50.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The objectives of the curricular unit are achieved by the use of the methodology referred since the expository component provides guidance on the systematic study and the practice exercitation promotes the practical application of concepts and theories studied within the curricular unit.
Stranding, S. (2020). Gray’s Anatomy, 42 th edition , Elsevier.
Drake, R.L., Vogl, W., Mitchell, A. (2019). Gray´s Anatomy for students, 4nd edition. Elsevier.
Pina,J. A. E. (2017) Anatomia Humana Da Locomoção, 5ª edição,Lidel Edições Técnicas Ltda.
Friedrich Paulsen & Jens Waschke (2018) Sobbota; Atlas of Human Anatomy. 24th edition, Elsevier
Netter,F.H. (2018) Atlas of Human Anatomy , 7th edition, Elsevier.
Vanputte, C.; Regan, J.; Russo, A.; Seeley, R. (2020) Seeley’s anatomy & phisiology. 12th edition, McGraw-Hill.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Carla Matos (