Curricular Unit:Code:
Organization and Management of Health Services852OGSS
2UndergraduateNursing1 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The evolution and the specificity of the health sector requires professional knowledge and skills that support the development of skills of conducting proper organization's activities, falling into the dynamic guidance of the health system. The management of health services while course, concerned with guiding the students to use conceptual skills, define situations and to equate appropriate action strategies, efficient and effective, for each situation in the area of care. In this context it is intended that the students realized the following objectives:
• Provide input to allow analyze and
1 - Health System
1.1 - National Analysis, Europe and some countries of the world
2 - Administration Theories
1.2 - Influence of the theories on the development of health services
1.3 - Management by objectives
1.4 - Culture and organizational climate
1.5 - formal and informal Organization
2 - Management Tools
2.1 Strategic planning, tactical and operational
2.2 - Leadership in the organization
2.3 - Management of interpersonal conflicts in health teams
3 - Resource Management:
3.1- Plant and Equipment
3.2 - Materials and drugs
3.3 - Stocks of organization methods;
3.4 - Human Resource Management;
3.4.1 - Recruitment and selection
3.4.2 - Allocation
3.4.3. - Work schemes
3.4.4 - Integration
3.4.5 - Evaluation of performance - SIADAP
4 - care management;
4.1 - Working methods
4.2 - Decision-making Process
4.3 - Powers of general care nurses
5 - Quality in Health;
5.1 - Quality continuous improvement system
5.2 - Quality standards
5.2.1 - Structure eoricalindi
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The approach to the health system nationally, in Europe and some countries of the world and the analysis of the influence of management theories in the development of health services, allow you to provide contributions in order to allow analyze and solve problematic situations under of health.
The study on the current strategies Resource Management (facilities and equipment, materials and drugs), as well as Human Resources Management and care and to review for Quality in Health, aim to contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, in order to allow performance with competence and quality in the provision and management of nursing care in line with the current health policies;
The analysis of the current management instruments, giving relief to different styles of leadership and interpersonal conflict management strategies in health teams has the intention to analyze the influence of individual factors and group in the organization and management tools.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The methodological approaches of the syllabus will be selected according to the issues in question in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Thus, methods will vary among the directors (exhibition and demonstration) to enable the presentation of content, semi-directive (interrogative) to afford the repetition of procedures deemed correct or more suitable management, and non-directive (active) so as to promote the initiative of students’ knowledge and interaction.
The presentation methodology of research work should also be suitable for the type of theme and its goals.
The evaluation methodology of the course is done continuously along the contact classes, with main relief conducting a written exam, what about the taught syllabus. In the evaluation process will also be considered the active participation in class and the investment made in developing research papers.
The approval means that the student get the minimum rating of 10 points.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methods will be selected according to the matters under review in order to facilitate the achievement of objectives. Thus, the directive methods (exhibition and demonstration) will be used for the presentation of new knowledge and ways of acting (oral, written and gestural), and interpersonal actions; the semi-directive (interrogative) will be used to verify the effectiveness of communication and standardization of knowledge, fostering active and independent thinking by students in order to stimulate the active method by modeling attitudes and behaviors conducive to self-management relationship between thought and action.
Carvalho, A. et al (2002).Processo de contratualização de recursos humanos, Coimbra, Quarteto Ed.
Chiavenato, I. (2004).Introdução à teoria geral da Administração. 7.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
Chiavenato, I. (2009).Gestão de pessoas. Rio de Janeiro: Campus.
ICN (2006).Dotações seguras salvam vidas, Genebra,
ICN (2007).Ambientes favoráveis à prática: condições de trabalho. Cuidados de Qualidade, Genebra,
Chisto, F. H. (2001).Seis passos a caminho da Qualidade. “ Qualidade em Saúde”. Lisboa.
Lodi, J. B. (2003).História da Administração. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.
Maximiano, A. C. A. (2004).Teoria geral da Administração: da revolução urbana à revolução digital. 4.ed. São Paulo: Atlas.
Mezomo, J. C. (2001).Gestão da qualidade na saúde: princípios básicos, - São Paulo: E