Curricular Unit:Code:
Nutrition and Dietetics853NDIE
1UndergraduateNursing2 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
In accordance with the Dublin descriptors and competences 2,4,5,7,9,13,15,16,18,21,33,36 and 38 the nurse’s profile of competences (Nurses’ Order, 2011), the student should be able to:
- Identify the components of food, nutritional and non-nutritional and their functions;
- Understand and comment on the importance of diet / nutrition as an integral part of health promotion and disease prevention, and;
- Recognize the different needs and nutritional / dietary restrictions depending on the stage in the life cycle and disease.
General concepts of food and nutrition. Food, their constituents and functions. Major errors and dietary recommendations for the Portuguese. Appetite regulation and importance of sleep. Gastrointestinal and glands - nutritional care. Obesity. Cardiovascular diseases. Cancer. Osteo-articular diseases. Appetite regulation, sleep and metabolic diseases. Eating disorders. Evaluation of dietary intake. Body composition and metabolism. Food throughout the life cycle.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Nutrition is critical to achieve and maintain health, becoming thus one of the bases on which the provision of health care is based. Dietary, a specific area of nutrition / diet, involved not only the curative level in pathology susceptible of improvement through dietary counseling but also the preventative level, in order to intervene as early as possible in the dietary risk factors (more easily modifiable) to prevent the emergence of certain diseases in the population.
Objectives of this course are: to stimulate interest and critical thinking for all matters related to food / nutrition and health, disclosing the importance of food in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, alert to the different needs and nutritional / dietary restrictions for each disease.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The unit has a weekly workload corresponding to a theoretical class (T) and a theoretical-practical (TP).
As regards the development of materials and the cross-shaped units teaching:
- Lectures on all aspects including the syllabus, which will be revisited later in the theoretical and practical class will be treated.
- The theoretical and practical features will essentially seminar where they will be resumed, analyzed and discussed with students, aspects which have received information on the lecture. Students will conduct research and cross-checking, from situations of group work, field trips, and any other forms of participatory learning, the teacher deems appropriate at the time.
The evaluation will consist of a continuous and time of writing assessment in the theoretical component (50%) and written in a moment of theoretical and practical component (50%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
As regards the development of materials and the cross-shaped units teaching: - Lectures on all aspects including the syllabus, which will be revisited later in the theoretical and practical class will be treated. - The theoretical and practical features will essentially seminar where they will be resumed, analyzed and discussed with students, aspects which have received information on the lecture. Students will conduct research and cross-checking, from situations of group work, field trips, and any other forms of participatory learning, the teacher deems appropriate at the time.
- Cervera P, et al. 2004. Alimentación y dietoterapia (4ª ed.) McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
- Insel P., et al. 2007. Nutrition. 3th edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
- Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S. 2008. Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy. 12th edition. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Shils ME, et al. 2005. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 10thed. Williams & Wilkins, London.
- Silva, M-RG.; Paiva, T. 2015. Sono, Nutrição, Ritmo Circadiano, Jet Lag e Desempenho Desportivo. Lisboa: Federação de Ginástica de Portugal/ Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude I.P.
- Silva, M-RG. 2015. Alimentação na Ginástica: de Pais para Filhos. Lisboa: Federação de Ginástica de Portugal/ Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude I.P.
- Silva, M-RG. 2015. Avaliação nutricional e composição corporal-3ªed.Porto: Edições UFP.
- Silva, M-RG; Bellotto, Maria L. 2015. Nutritional Requirements for Maternal and Newborn Health. Current Women’s Health Reviews,11:41-50.