Curricular Unit:Code:
Psychology of Learning and Social Dimension935PADS
1MasterEducational Sciences: Special Education (Cognitive and Motor Domain)8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese104
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) Promote the acquisition of knowledge of conceptual frameworks in the field of Learning Psychology;
(ii) Acquire fundamental knowledge in the field of Learning Psychology and Social Dimension;
(iii) Apply basic knowledge in the field of Learning Psychology and Social Dimension in the analysis of situations in the educational field;
(iv) To know the learning and motivation processes and strategies and to know how to apply them in different contexts
(v) Develop reflective skills on psychological phenomena and their implications for change in the educational field in the light of the contributions of Learning Psychology and the Social Dimension;
(vi) Knowing and critically assessing different patterns of interaction between individuals and groups in educational contexts.
(vii) To improve oral and written communication skills;
(viii) Develop a critical and self-critical attitude as well as adopt ethical and deontological values
1. Learning Psychology
1.1.Definitions and main theories of learning;
1.2. Pedagogical implications of theories
1.3. Learning and motivating environments
1.4. Learning strategies
1.5. Specific Learning Disorders
2. Social dimension
2.1. Concepts of Education, Development and Society. Education, Families and Community E
2.2. The School as a social organization.
2.3. Educational Activity (Modality, functions and roles).
2.4. Interpersonal Relationship in Educational Contexts
2.5. Educational Relationship and Diversity
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Unit 1: in order to achieve the objectives, the focus on specific theoretical subjects is privileged, allowing the integration of knowledge, skills and abilities to understand the theories, their pedagogical implications, the practical application in different contexts of the different strategies, as well as developing reflective skills on the psychological phenomena and their implications for change in the educational field in the light of the contributions of Learning Psychology.
Unit 2 - The syllabus contents focus on theoretical subjects related to the Social Dimension and, thus, achieve the objectives of the curricular unit, more specifically: to integrate knowledge, skills and abilities regarding the Concepts of Education, Development and Society. Education, Families and Community; the School as a social organization, educational relationships and relationships and diversity.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The practical will be based classes in presentation and discussion of the program's content and the resolution of practical cases. It will give emphasis to the promotion of dialogue in which all participate, through their own experience and knowledge. Pairs the work will be done during working hours and will then be submitted to analysis and discussion by the class students. The assessment will consist in performing one individual written (a); in the development of one group work with analysis and group discussion (b). The end result (RF) is obtained from the formula: F = 60% (a) + 40% (b)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The development of the classes take place integrating the teaching methodologies with the fundamental objectives . The provision of information and scientific knowledge and provided technical objectives will be developed in the beginning of each issue to address, in practical classes, where the relationship with the students' prior knowledge is established. In these sessions you want will be to develop students' skills and increase their awareness of the importance of the issues addressed in the real current context, contributing to a better environment and also ease the perception of the goals to be achieved. A dialogue in which all participate, through their own experience and knowledge leading to the sharing of knowledge, doubts and questions, in order to benefit a motivating and meaningful learning where knowledge gained can be applied in different contexts and variables will be stimulated. Practical work required group of students will have an important contribution to achieving the objectives defined for UC, providing understanding and implementation of the thematic study, as well as knowledge sharing among group members. The students' evaluation will serve to assess the effectiveness of the developed teaching methodologies
1. Abrantes, P. & Sebastião, J. (2012). Portões que se abrem e que se fecham. Processos de inclusão e de segregação nas escolas públicas portuguesas. Em Dornelas et a.l (org.), Portugal Invisível. Lisboa: Ed. Mundos Sociais, 75-93.
2. Barroso, J. (2005). Politicas Educativas e Organização Escolar. Lisboa: Livraria Aberta;
3. Dias, D. (2018). Psicologia da Aprendizagem. Lisboa: Editora Sílabo.
4. Kail, R. (2004). A criança. S. Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.
5. Papalia, D., Olds, S. W. & Feldman, R. D. (2001). O Mundo da Criança. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill.
6. Torres, L. & Palhares, J. A. (2009). Estilos de Liderança e Escola Democrática, Actas do Encontro Sociedade e Educação. Lisboa: Universidade do Minho.
7. van de Pol, J., Volman, M. & Beishuizen, J. (2010) Scaffolding in teacher-student interaction: A decade of research. Educational Psychology Review
8. Vygotsky, L. (2008). Pensamento e Linguagem. Lisboa: Relógio D´Água.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Ana Costa (
João de Almeida (
Luísa Saavedra (