Curricular Unit:Code:
Planning and Futurology in Education876PPED
2MasterTeaching and Education Management (School and Educational Administration)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(O1) - To reflect about planning and prospection in Education
(O2) - To increase knowledge about methods of analysis and planning projects in the educational field
(O3) - To develop planning and prospection projects in different educational scenarios
CP1. Reflection about planning nd prospection
1.1. Educational communities empowerment
1.2. Intervention Models and paradigmas
1.2.1. Classroom management level
1.2.2. School management and lidership level
1.2.3. Community level
CP2. Building educational scenarios
2.1. Implementing planning and prospection projects in Education
2.1.1. Quantitative data analysis
2.1.2. Indicators to educational planning
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus (CP) were delineated by learning objectives (O) of the unit , enabling students to develop skills and increase knowledge as well as analyze and reflect critically about planning and prospection in Education field, such as:
CP1 corresponds to O1 and O2
CP2 corresponds to O2 and O3
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Theoretical seminars regarding conceptual and methodological contents, through an interrogative and participative methodology, actively involving students in learning process. Practical application of knowledge in to educational field and project elaboration.
Attendance in classes (theoretical-practical, seminars, tutorials) focus on expositive, demonstrative and participative methodologies. Non attendance time is for student independent work.
This course has continuous assessment with individual work concerning planning and prospection project elaboration.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodology used in classes (more expository and participatory approach with studies presentation, analysis and discussion of the themes in lectures, as well as orientation/guidance for their critical reflections as well as literature review), allows students to obtain increased knowledge as well as a better understanding and ability to discuss contents
Landini, S. & Trojan, R.( 2014). TALIS no Brasil, na Áustria e na Eslováquia: limites e viabilidade dos estudos comparados. Revista Educação Pública, 23, 52, 33-49
Martins, E C. (2006). Ideias e Tendências Educativas no Cenário Escolar: Onde estamos, para onde vamos? Revista Lusófona de Educação, 7, 71-90
OECD (2009). Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS
OECD (2012). Programme for International Student Assessment – Results from PISA 2012. Disponível em
OECD (2012), Education Today 2013: The OECD Perspective, OECD Publishing.
Thiesen, J. S. (2013). Do sentido de Scurrere à aposta no futuro: elementos de aproximação entre currículo e prospecção. Educar em Revista,50, 253-268
Tudge, J. (2008). A teoria de Urie Bronfenbrenner: Uma teoria contextualista? In LVC Moreira & AMA Carvalho (orgs), Família e Educação: Olhares da psicologia (pp 209-231). São Paulo: Paulinas.