Curricular Unit:Code:
Psychology of Deviant Behavior1138PCD
2UndergraduatePsychology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This curricular unit aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the psychology of deviant behavior and its specificities.
O1-Acquire knowledge and capacity to understand the various themes that constitute the domain of deviant behavior.
O2-To know how to apply the knowledge and understanding acquired, in a critical and adjusted way.
O3-Stimulate the development of an integrative, pragmatic and analytical approach to the deviant phenomenon.
O4-Stimulate a general attitude of investigation, critical reflection and active search for empirically based knowledge.
O5- To develop competences that allow students to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, in an integrative and respectful register of diversity, and ethically based.
C1.Introduction to the Psychology of Deviant Behavior.
C2. Perspectives of understanding deviant behavior: statistical, moral, normative.
C3. Deviant behavior and contemporaneity (lifestyles, social and cultural determinants)
C4. Psychopathology and deviant behavior: antisocial behavior; substance use and other addictions
C5. Deviant behavior sexuality and gender issues.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The program contents were selected based on their empirical validity, applicability and relevance for the study area. The inclusion of several approaches provides students with a comprehensive perspective on the real scope of this area of study. C1 and C2 (O1, O2, O5) - Program content provides students with a comprehensive, solid, up-to-date and empirically valid basis from which to build their knowledge, encouraging further research as well such as the application of the presented theoretical models. C3, C4 and C5 (O2, O3; 04 and O5) - The programmatic content is the starting point for a critical analysis and for the consequent discussion, aiming for flexibility in emerging perspectives.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The pedagogical execution consists of theoretical-practical classes with (1) exposition and debate of the relevant theoretical concepts in the classroom; (2) demonstration of the practical application of the presented concepts ~ (visualization and dosing of several documentaries); and (3) orientation of self-study of students by reference to the recommended bibliography.
A written theoretical test (60%) 2 practical assignments (40%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The explanation of the theoretical models is essential for the students' understanding, as is the in class debate of these models. The explanation is accompanied by examples of practical applications of the presented theoretical models, and students are requested to provide further examples. These methods stimulate the development of an integrative, pragmatic and analytical approach to the presented theoretical models, as well as a general investigative, critically reflective and knowledge-seeking attitude.
1. American Psychiatric Association (2014). DSM-5: Manual de diagnóstico e estatística das perturbações mentais. Lxb: Climepsi. 2.Dependências online: o poder das tecnologias / ed. Ivone Patrão e Daniel Sampaio, Lxb: Pactor, 2016, BiblFernandoPessoa. 3.Práticas de Intervenção na Violência e no Crime / Ana Isabel Sani e Sónia Caridade coord.Lisboa.Pactor, 2016, BFP 4. Violência, agressão e vitimação / coord. Ana Sani e Sónia Caridade. 2ª ed. Coimbra: Almedina, 2018, BFP. 5.Crime, desvio e risco na adolescência. Coord. José Soares Martins, Margarida Simões; Lisboa.Edições Sílabo, 2019, BFP. 6.Crime e drogas: relações psicológicas, comportamentais e jurídicas / Laura M. Nunes, Jorge Trindade. Porto Alegre: Livraria Advogado, 2016, BFP. 7.Violence against women: an EU-wide survey : main results / European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014, BFP. 8. Kazdin, A. E., & Buela-Casal, G. (2001). Conduta anti-social. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill