Curricular Unit:Code:
Psychological Assessment of the Adult and the Elderly1138APAS
3UndergraduatePsychology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) To acquire knowledge, skills and understanding of the specific nature of the psychological assessment of the adult and elder;
(ii) To know and understand the objectives, theoretical concepts and practical considerations, the advantages and limitations specific to the different methodologies and techniques of psychological assessment of adult and senescent (e.g., interviews, direct observation, behavior rating scales, psychological tests);
(iii) To select the main techniques and methodologies used in psychological assessment of the adult and elder;
(iv) To demonstrate basic skills of application, coding and interpreting the results of various psychological assessment tools;
(v) To improve oral and written communication skills.
1st Unit - Applications and specific psychological assessment of adult and senescent. Implications of the assessment for psychological intervention. The psychological assessment report: specificities relating to adults and senescent. Models and methods of psychological assessment of adult and senescent: (clinical) interviews, direct observation.
2nd Unit – Methodologies and tools for psychological assessment of adults: Behavioral Assessment. Assessment of Intelligence (ex.: WAIS, RAVEN). Personality Assessment: Self-report tests. Projective tests.
3st Unit - Methodologies and tools (screening) for psychological assessment of senescent: Cognitive/demential assessment (ex.: MMSE; MOCA, BLAD). Neuropsychological assessment (ex.: BANC). Emotional Assessment (ex.: GCD-30, GDS-15). Functional assessment (ex.: IAFAI).
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
1st unit - integration of knowledge and ability to understand the specific to psychological assessment
2nd unit - Characterization and practical application of instruments and methodologies for psychological assessment of adult, thus understand the objectives, theoretical concepts and practical considerations, the advantages and limitations specific to the different methodologies and techniques; to select and apply appropriate methods and techniques; demonstrate skills of application, coding and interpretation.
3st unit - Characterization and practical application of instruments and methodologies for psychological assessment of senescent, thus: to understand the objectives, theoretical concepts and practical considerations, the advantages and limitations specific to the different methodologies and techniques; to select and apply appropriate methods and techniques; demonstrate skills of application, coding and interpretation; demonstrate oral and written communication skills.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching methodology will include theoretical lecturing, research, reading and discussion of specific references, thematic debating, critical reflection as well as direct observation in CPP. Evaluation will be continuous and based on a written test (60%), a practical essay (30%), an oral presentation (10%) and work discussion (10%), as well as the execution of theoretical and practical tasks in the classroom, and students’ punctuality and attendance.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
1st unit - Theoretical exposition of contents the performance area; Individual and group debate of cases illustrating different problems that may constitute psychological evaluations requests; Demonstrations; Practical exercises with the aim of demonstrating knowledge and skills in performing tasks of psychological evaluation in different contexts of application. 2nd unit - Theoretical exposition of contents for the characterization and practical application of psychological evaluation with adults; Presentation of real cases (anonymous); Handling of materials used in the psychological evaluation with adults; Demonstrations; direct observation in CPP in order to be able to integrate the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the administration of psychological evaluation tests; to demonstrate oral and written communication skills of report writing for psychological evaluation; to show autonomy and responsible conduct in forensic practice. 3st unit - Theoretical exposition of contents for the characterization and practical application of psychological evaluation with elders; Presentation of real cases (anonymous); Handling of materials used in the psychological evaluation with elders; Demonstrations; direct observation in CPP in order to be able to integrate the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the administration of psychological evaluation tests; to demonstrate oral and written communication skills of report writing for psychological evaluation; to show autonomy and responsible conduct in forensic practice
Arslan, R. (2018). A Review on Ethical Issues and Rules in Psychological Assessment. Journal of Family, Counseling, and Education, 3(1), 17-29
Bornstein, R. (2017). Evidence-Based Psychological Assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment, 99(4), 435-445.
Cohen, R.J., & Swerdlik, M.E. (2018). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill.
Goldstein, G. Allen, D. & DeLuca, J. (2019). Handbook of Psychological Assessment (4th ed). USA: Academic Press
Gonçalves, M. et al. (2017). Psicologia clínica e da saúde: instrumentos de avaliação. Lisboa: Pactor
Simões, M. et al. (2017). Psicologia Forense: Instrumentos de avaliação. Lisboa: Pactor
Simões, M. R; Santana, I.; GEECD. (2015). Escalas e Testes na Demência. ed. 3, ISBN: 978-989-20-5611-1. Lisboa: Novartis.
Simões, M. (2012). Instrumentos de avaliação psicológica de pessoas idosas: investigação e estudos de validação em Portugal. RIDEP, 34, 9-33.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Ângela Fernandes (
Rute Meneses (