Curricular Unit:Code:
Neurocognitive Assessment and Intervention1108AINE
1MasterClinical and Health Psychology6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
LO1. To demonstrate familiarity with concepts, theories and empirical evidences in the field of cognitive neuropsychology and to characterize the main methods and techniques
LO2. To know the biological substrate of cognitive processes
LO3. To describe and to explain the main characteristics and symptoms of syndromes after brain lesion and to demonstrate differential diagnosis abilities
LO4. To select appropriate methods and techniques and to identify relevant characteristics of subjects through observation, interview and neuropsychological tests
LO5. To do neuropsychological assessments, including behaviour description, explanation and prediction in subjects with neurological dysfunction
LO6. To do neuropsychological interventions, including planning and evaluation of stimulation, training and rehabilitation programs
LO7. To develop oral and written communication skills
LO8. To develop a critical attitude and self-criticism, and to adopt ethical and deontological values
S1. Cognitive neuropsychology: an introduction
1.1 Historical and conceptual framework
1.2 Methods of study
1.3 Organization and brain development
1.4 Brain pathology
S2. Neurocognitive assessment and intervention I
2.1 General principles and methods of exam
2.2 Mental exam and neuropsychological assessment batteries
2.3 Neuropsychological assessment report
2.4 General principles and methods of intervention
2.5 Neurocognitive rehabilitation programs
S3. Neurocognitive assessment and intervention II
3.1 Orientation, attention and concentration
3.2 Learning and memory
3.3 Language
3.4 Executive functions
3.5. Praxias and gnosias
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
This course was designed with respect to knowledge and skills needed by clinical and health psychologists in the field of cognitive disorders after brain damage or brain dysfunction. Structured in 3 unites of study (S), the syllabus contents were defined from the 8 learning outcomes (LO) previously established, and focus on the development and expansion of knowledge and skills in the following areas: neuropsychological methods of study; brain and mental functioning; nosological and comprehensive entity of cognitive acquired disorders; assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive acquired disorders reflexive, collaborative, investigative and ethical work. There is, thus, a total coherence and correspondence between the syllabus and the learning outcomes, namely:
S1 – LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO8;
S2 and S3 – LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7 and LO8.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
During contact hours (TP, OT and O classes), the following teaching methodologies will be used: expository, participatory and active. Non-contact hours are dedicated to student’s autonomous work.
The evaluation can be continuous or final (end-of-semester, supplementary and special exams periods). Continuous evaluation includes a written test (50%) and a group assignment (a case study including the analysis of an assessment protocol, diagnostic formulation, written report and an intervention proposal; 50%). Students who fail the continuous evaluation can apply to a final written exam (100%). In order to obtain the ECTS credits of this curricular unit, student must successfully achieve the learning outcomes and skills defined for it, and get a final average of at least 9.5.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The adopted teaching methodologies are aligned with the learning outcomes (LO) defined for this curricular unit, in order to allow the student to be informed about facts and procedures in the field of cognitive neuropsychology, to understand concepts and theoretical and clinical models about cognitive disorders after brain lesion, and to apply and build knowledge in this area of activity (reproductive and productive skills, respectively). In this context, the articulation of expository methodology, that will allow the theoretical presentation and the development of the syllabus, with more practical methodologies, that will foster critical discussion of the issues, case studies analysis and activities requiring observation and assessment of neuropsychological disorders, will be promoted. This articulation will encourage active learning in order to allow a deeper understanding of the topics under study, as well as the integration of theory with practice, providing a comprehensive framework of cerebral and cognitive functioning in different types of syndromes that will underpin differential diagnosis and will help rehabilitation. In particular, the expository methodology, through the presentation and systematization of the topics, will allow conceptual and theoretical development; the participatory methodology, through critical analysis of case studies and the promotion of guided thematic debates, and the active methodology, through the conduction of individual and small groups assignments under supervision (including neuropsychological tests scoring and interpretation, redaction of clinical reports and the conception of rehabilitation programs), will enable the development of assessment and intervention skills of cognitive disorders in children and adults. The non-contact hours will be devoted to autonomous work of the student, in which the reading of the recommended bibliography and the conduction of proposed activities are expected as a mean to consolidate and apply the knowledge and to develop skills and competencies in this field. The combination of these different methodologies will allow the student to achieve the LO proposed for this curricular unit, that articulate knowledge, skills and competencies. This consistency between the LO and the teaching methodologies (and evaluation) adopted is achieved as follows: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO5 and LO6 – Expository, participative and active methods (written test, and individual assignments); LO4, LO7 and LO8 – Participative and active methods (individual assignments).
Bowden, S. C. (2017). Neuropsychological assessment in the age of evidence based practice. Diagnostic and treatment evaluations. Oxford.
Hillis, A. E., & Heidler, J. (2005). Contributions and limitations of the cognitive neuropsychological approach to treatment: Illustrations from studies of reading and spelling therapy. Aphasiology, 19(10-11), 985-993.
Lezak, M.D., Howieson, D.B, Bigler, E. D. & Tranel, D. (2012). Neuropsychological assessment (5th Ed). Oxford University Press.
Linden, W., & Hewitt, P. L. (2018). Cognitive and neuropsychological assessment. In W. Linden & P. L. Hewitt (Eds.), Clinical psychology. A modern health profession (2.ª ed.; cap. 8)). Routledge.
Sohlberg, M. M. & Mateer, C. A. (2017). Cognitive rehabilitation: An integrative neuropsychological approach. Guilford Press.
Wilson, B. A., & Betteridge, S. (2019). Essentials of neuropsychological rehabilitation. The Guilford Press.