Curricular Unit:Code:
Scientific Work Methodology1149MTC
1MasterPsychology of Justice: Victims of Violence and Crime4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) master the different stages and respective procedures, the development of a scientific research framework; (ii) acquire, develop and deepen knowledge and skills to enable planning a scientific research; (iii) apply this knowledge in the planning and development of scientific research; (iv) Develop and apply the framework of the scientific methodology in establishing the different study designs; (v) characterize / distinguish the way they set the limits of scientific methodology to multiple situations and domains.
I - Scientific Research in Psychology
1.1. Planning research
1.1.1. The / planning of quantitative and / or qualitative study
1.1.2. The major methodological decisions to the levels of assumptions, variables and objectives
1.1.3. The definition of the general procedure
1.1.4. The definition of the integrated procedure in each of the steps defined for a study.
II - Definition of research time
2.1. The preparation / writing / presentation of the research protocol
2.2. The definition of the main stages
2.2.1. Literature revision
2.2.2. Setting big goals / hypothesis formulation / definition of key issues;
2.2.3. Construction of the situation and role of variables to analyze
2.2.4. Data Collection Protocol ethical and deontological considerations of research in the field of justice psychology
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Unit 1 – The contents prioritize the deepening of knowledge and skills to development a scientific research: Integrate knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct the scientific process considering the ethics principles; demonstrate knowledge and skills to plan an investigation; Select appropriate methods and techniques;
Unit 2 - The contents prioritize the deepening of knowledge and skills at the level of quantitative and qualitative research: know the main techniques for collecting quantitative and qualitative data; know how to treat data;
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching methodology will include theoretical lecturing, research and discussion about the research plan of the students. Assessment will be continuous and based on a written practical work, and an oral test, as well as the execution of theoretical and practical tasks in the classroom, and students’ punctuality and attendance.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Unit 1 - Theoretical exposition of contents, that characterize the scientific knowledge; Demonstration, presentation and discussion on the advantages and limitations of qualitative and quantitative research; Individual and group debate about the choices among the quantitative methods, qualitative methods or the complementary of the two methods; Demonstrations of practical exercises, essentially based on students research projects; Unit 2 - Theoretical exposition of contents, characterizing the quantitative/qualitative research; Exposition, presentation and discussion on different ways of collecting and processing quantitative/qualitative data; Demonstrations and practical exercises about the choice of quantitative/qualitative method, based on students research projects;
Almeida, L. & Freire, T. (2003). Metodologia da investigação em Psicologia e Educação. Braga: Psiquilíbrios. (Biblioteca BAC 159.9.07)
Antoine, P. & Smith, J. (2016). Getting at experience: An outline of interpretative phenomenological analysis as a qualitative psychology methodology. Société Française de Psychologie. (B-ON)
Coutinho, C. (2014). Metodologia de investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Teoria e Prática. Coimbra: Almedina. (Boblioteca BFP 001.8)
Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (2005). Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: SAGE Publications.
Jervis, M. & Drake, M. (2014). The use of qualitative research methods in quantitative science: a revew. (B-ON)
Howitt, D., & Cramer, D. (2020). Research methods in Psychology. London: Pearson.
Kumar, R. (2019). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners (5th Ed.) London: Sage
Pestana, M. & Gageiro, J.N. (2014). Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais (...). Edições Sílabo.(Biblioteca BFP 303)
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Laura Nunes (