Curricular Unit:Code:
Portuguese for Foreigners I748PES1
1PostgraduatePortuguese for Foreigners6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To teach Portuguese as a foreign language and to develop as well the following skills: linguistic, social, and intercultural regarding the host country. The specific objectives are the development of both language and communication skills of students, in such a way as to ensure an effective communication within a diverse range of social and professional situations. Amongst the specific skills with Portuguese language, the ones of instrumental nature are: to be able to communicate orally and in writting, to identify and to understand messages, to use the language in a range of social and professional settings, as well as to access knowledge in a resourcefull manner. The interpersonal skills aim the use of the language within personal contacts in several situations.
Systemic skills include to be able to interpret settings and phenomena pertaining to diverse cultural and linguistical environments; and to be able to gather, to identify and to interpret data from diverse cultural settings.
1. Personal data and identification (name, nationality, country, course, countries, professions, age, numbers)
2. Description of objects and people (colours, verb GOSTAR DE, estar + local, ser + local)
3. Social formulae and social civilities (formal + informal, to write Emails, SMS, post cards, invitations, speak over the phone).
4. Residence and family relations (family, house, household activities)
5. Leisure and sports practice (to express preferences, verb GOSTAR DE)
6. The activities of daily life (hours + dates, day activities and routines)
7. To buy and to sell (shopping – questions, tastes, food, addresses, clothing)
8. Food and diet (foodstuffs, shops, market, fishmonger)
9. Health and body (expression of physical state and health, the doctor, and the pharmacy)
10. Public services and administration (to fill in forms, to write an email, instructions, notices).
11. Past events (to describe past actions, routines, banking business, hollidays, travelling).
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The programme topics value the acquisition of vocabulary in Portuguese, therefore allowing the achievement of the objectives of the learning unit, which are as follows:
-To gather knowledge, competence and capacities for an effective and fluent communication within both academic and professional multi-cultural environments.
-To demonstrate both knowledge and competence for carrying out tasks by using Portuguese as a means of communication.
-To be able to merge comfortably into both the university and the host country.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching will be based on both theoretical and practical presentation. Lectures will perform several activities such as reading, writing, understanding and discursive expression which are inherent to the development of capabilities for communicating in Portuguese.
Evaluation of students will be continuous in such a way as to ascertain their progression in learning. In addition, there will be two written tests, each one with an oral module. The whole performance will be converted in final credits obtained, with a grading between 0 and 20. The fulfillment of the credits, with a grading of 10 or higher, will grant the ECTS assigned to this discipline.
Percentual values of the elements assigned for grading: 20% Oral Prove; 40% test; 40% test.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The diverse activities of reading, writing, understanding, and also discursive production, are inherent to the development of communication abilities in Portuguese. These fulfill the objectives of ensuring an effective communication over a wide range of social and professional situations in this language. The theoretical explanation of vocabulary in Portuguese is related to the private and social life, with the narrative of past events, health and leisure, and generally the conversation around different general subjects. In addition, learning and use of grammar structures that emerge from written text and oral references that are related to the above mentioned subjects, individual and group exercises to promote the assimilation of the vocabulary covered in class. The promotion of individual initiatives that may develop both oral and written fluency, the theoretical presentation of vocabulary and language resources that are adequate to sustain both a presentation and a debate in Portuguese, and further discussion of subjects.
—Kuzka, R. & Pascoal, J. (2014), Passaporte para Português. Livro do Aluno. Níveis A1/A2. Lisboa. Lídel.
—Oliveira, C,, Coelho, L & Ballmann, M. (2019), Cadernos de Exercícios. Aprender Português 1. Níveis A1, A2. Lisboa: Texto Editores.
—Oliveira, C,, Coelho, L & Ballmann, M. (2006). Aprender português : curso inicial de de língua portuguesa para estrangeiros. Lisboa: Texto editores.
—Oliveira, C. & Coelho, L. (2017), Compreensão oral. Aprender Português 1. Níveis A1,A2. Lisboa: Texto Editores.
—Oliveira, C. & Coelho, L. (2013), Português em Foco 1. Livro do aluno. Níveis A1/A2 .Lisboa: Lidel.
—Oliveira, C. & Coelho, L. (2013), Gramática Aplicada. Português para Estrangeiros.Níveis A1, A2, B1. Lisboa, Texto Editores.
—Tavares, A. (2012), Português XXI. Nível A1. Livro do Aluno. Lisboa: Lidel.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Daniel Seabra (