Curricular Unit:Code:
Portuguese for Foreigners (Level B1)1054PEB1
2PostgraduateApplied Portuguese for Foreigners6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To deepen and develop communicative competence in Portuguese in different contexts, enabling the understanding of main issues when a clear and standardized language is used and subjects are familiar to the student. Have the ability to deal with most situations found in study, work and family environment, producing a simple and coherent discourse on matters of personal interest. Describe experiences and events in the past, present and future, as well as actions expressed as a possibility or as a wish. Briefly state reasons and justifications for an informed opinion. Get in touch with aspects of Portuguese culture and recognize the variants of the language.
1- Personal identification and characterization, free time activities and important life moments;
2- Physical and psychological description of oneself and others, namely fictional characters;
3- Proverbs, idioms and popular sayings;
4- Emigration, immigration, migration; the Portuguese communities;
5- Mainland Portugal and islands: accents, habits and points of interest;
6- Life in a world in fast pace (critical article);
7- The dream and the imagination: vacations, plans and wishes;
8- Advertising texts in the area of tourism; travel guides;
9- Unemployment, volunteering and social solidarity;
10 - New technologies: social networks
11 - Communication in Portuguese applied to the health area.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
- Understand the essential points of a spoken or written sequence that focuses on current topics;
- Understand the main points of radio and television programs when the speech rate is relatively slow and clear;
- Understand descriptions of events, feelings and desires, including non-complex literary text;
- Spontaneously enter into a conversation about topics that are known, of personal interest or pertinent;
- Consistently articulate expressions to describe experiences and events, dreams, desires and ambitions;
- Explain or justify opinions and plans;
- Tell and retell a story;
- Report the plot of a book or a movie;
- Write texts describing experiences and impressions.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Different activities are developed (oral and written expression and comprehension) using different supports (book, grammatical compendium, audiovisual material, Internet, press articles), favoring material collected in a real context and related to the students' areas of study. Interactive platforms and educational applications in an online context.
Assessment is continuous or final. Continuous assessment will be the sum of several elements: research work, reading reports, oral participation, oral presentation of a technical procedure and 2 written tests. The final grade will be the weighting of the various items, with a weighting of 50% for the written component, 30% for the oral component and 20% for participation in class context. The other modality of assessment, final assessment, will consist of a written test and oral expression skills, to which students who obtain more than 7.5 marks in the written exam can access.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The expression and comprehension activities, in their various forms, are adequate to the development of the proficiency of communication in Portuguese, aiming at ensuring effective communication in the most varied situations to which the student is exposed, as a Portuguese language learner who lives in a Portuguese-speaking country. The grammatical and lexical areas are related to private, social and academic life, seeking to meet the students' field of study, namely the area of health care; emphasis is placed on oral conversation and interaction, consolidating the learning and application of grammatical structures that appear in written and oral texts; individual and group activities to promote vocabulary acquisition and grammar, whenever possible using new technologies; individual and group activities that promote oral and written fluency; theoretical exposition of vocabulary and linguistic resources to make a presentation and to debate a subject; preparation and video presentation of a work project on an aspect of Portuguese culture.
Existência obrigatória/ mandatory:
Oliveira, C., Coelho, L. (2018) Aprender Português 2 (B1). Lisboa, Texto Editores.
Consulta/ For consultation:
Rosa, L. Melo (2020) Vamos lá Continuar! Explicações e Exercícios de Gramática e Vocabulário, Níveis Intermédio e Avançado. Lisboa, Lidel
Oliveira, C., Coelho, L. (2008) Aprender Português 2 – Compreensão Oral. Lisboa, Texto Editores.
Coimbra, I., Coimbra, O. Mata (2012) Gramática Ativa 2. Lisboa. Lidel
Sena-Lino, P., Boléo, M. João Manso (2021) Cidades do Mar B1. Porto. Porto Editora
Andresen, S. de Mello Breyner (2021, reimp.) A Menina do Mar. Porto. Porto Editora
Peixoto, J. Luís (2011, reimp.) Abraço. Lisboa. Quetzal
Pessoa, F. (2014, reimp.) Poesia de Alberto Caeiro. Lisboa. Assírio & Alvim
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Álvaro Curia (