Curricular Unit:Code:
Organization and Management of Companies870OGE
2UndergraduateCommercial Management and Accounting5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This Course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and techniques of organizational management, providing them with:
Knowledge of the main management schools and models;
Hability to understand organizational contexts and dynamics;
Critical capacity to understand and participate in the management process;
Knowledge and understanding of the areas and functions of organizational management;
Hability to plan and operate management tools.
Corporate theories
Corporate managment and corporate social responsability
International context
Corporate strategy fundaments
Corporate structure
Human resources
Marketing managment
Business plan
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The Curricular Unit in linking the described learning objectives and syllabus will enable students to:
- Obtain knowledge and ability to understand the specific area of UC
- Apply knowledge
- Resolve issues related to the themes of U.C.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching: T/TP Classes and tutorials
Evaluation: Test and assignments
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The conceptual exhibition, along with discussion of viewpoints and case studies allows students the knowledge and critical analysis of the issues addressed. Simultaneously the thematic nature of the work and enhance the ripening of individual work as well as issues concerning the scope of general skills, professional and theoretical.
• Lisboa, J. et al. (Coord) (2011). Introdução à gestão das Organizações. Vida Económica.
• GS Du Toit; BJ Erasmus; JW Strydom (2010). Introduction to Business Management. Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
• Macmillan and Tampoe (2001). Strategic Management. Oxford University Press.
• Maçães, M (2014) Manual de gestão moderna : teoria e prática. Coimbra, Actual,
• AGurgel, C. e Rodriguez, M. (2014) Administração : elementos essenciais para a gestão das organizações. São Paulo, Atlas
• Boddy, D. (2016) Management – An introduction. Pearson