Curricular Unit:Code:
Civil Law870DCIV
1UndergraduateCommercial Management and Accounting5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Through this discipline is intended that the students of this course assimilate the basic and introductory notions of what is and why there is a Civil Right, what are your major structural lines, the legal relationship, the legal business and vices of business and contractual relationships
It is intended also that the student will know the general principles of civil relations, since the same part of everyday life of the individual and, therefore, necessary to any professional in the field of Management Sciences.
1. Law as a social reality
General Considerations for Civil Law
Introduction to Civil Law. The Civil Law and other areas of law
Sources of Civil Law and its systematization
The systematization of the Civil Code. Detailed analysis of the subjects addressed in each of the books of the Civil Code
The general principles of DC and some guidelines: recognition of the rights of person and personality, juridical personality, the principle of freedom of contract, liability for the acts, the legal personality of legal persons, private property, the family, inheritance phenomenon, etc.
2 The concept of Corporate Relations and its structure
The subject of the legal relationship. The legal personality, capacity. The legal disabilities.
The subject of the legal relationship: things and heritage
The legal business: essential elements of the transaction and the vices of the business. The invalidity of business
3. Typical and atypical contracts
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Teaching unit: the discipline is composed of several units Semester Theoretical and practical: The teaching hours are distributed equitably
Description: Presentation of legal phenomena in the context of the rules governing the legal relations of the individual under the legal business: skills, addictions, etc ..
Objectives: These units are intended to introduce students to the discipline of nuclear information on legal relations in their various legal facets. Aims to promote critical reflection on institutional mechanisms and its practical results.
Tutorial: optional, for consolidation and learning
Description: Custom Monitoring of labor discipline
Objectives: This guidance aims to support independent student work, research and information organization.
Skills: Skills Instrumental: analysis and synthesis; acquisition of specific knowledge of the scientific field; oral and written communication; of information management .
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
We resort to an expository, descriptive and demonstrative methodology, using problem solving and guided study, in order to introduce the knowledge and facilitate understanding and application of the law, solving practical cases of application of the legal standard.
A System of continuous assessment:
- 2 Frequencies written, duration of 1 hour each with a weighting of 45% each, total weight of just 90%;
- Attendance and participation in classes: weighting of 10%.
Note 1: Students should have a minimum score of 8 (eight) values in the 1st frequency to undergo 2nd Frequency, and also this will have to have a minimum score of 8 (eight) values.
Scheme of Exam:
- One written exam lasting 2 hours, with a weighting of 100%.
Note 2: Students to undergo each time point (continuous assessment and final examination) should meet the mandatory 50% attendance at lectures.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The proposed methodologies are consistent with the learning objectives of the unit, in a way that they establish a close and continuous coordination between theoretical concepts, practical examples and problem solving. This approach enables the interpretation and practical application of the law and concepts and jurisdictional methods.
1. BAPTISTA MACHADO, J., Introdução ao Direito e ao Discurso Legitimador, 21ª reimpressão, Almedina, Coimbra, 2011
2. MARQUES DA SILVA, G.: Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa, 2006
3. CASTRO MENDES, J., Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, reimpressão, Pedro Ferreira Editor, Lisboa, 1992
4. PIRES LIMA, F. A. E ANTUNES VARELA, J. M., Noções Fundamentais de Direito Civil, Vol. I, 5ª Ed., Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 1961
5. Mota Pinto, Carlos Alberto: Teoria Geral do Direito Civil, 3ª Ed. Actualizada, Coimbra Editora, 1990.
6. Orlando Gomes: Introdução ao Direito Civil, Rio de Janeiro, 1965
Santoro Passarelli: Doutrina Geral do Direito Civil (tradução portuguesa), Coimbra, 1966