Curricular Unit:Code:
Migrations, Demography and Social Integration1153MDIS
1DoctoratePolitical and Humanitarian Studies11 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English143
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Students should acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the themes in association so that they understand how they interact and, through articulation, how they can foster macro-social changes and adaptations in countries with different political, economic, social and cultural realities.
Migration plays a fundamental role in the balance of the world, deeply marked by asymmetries that, in extremes, are evidenced by scenarios of overpopulation and subpopulation.
They are therefore inseparable from demography and integration, because, in fact, they take place with notorious effects on population structures and can only assume a modifying dimension on them if, in fact, with appropriate legislation and public policies, they are based on a true integration of actors.
MODULE I. Economic theory: mercantilism and populism, liberalism, Marxism, neoclassical perspective, emergence of autonomy with the Sociology of Migration.
MODULE II. Migrants in receiving societies: sociological perspective, influence of the Chicago School, theories based on ethnicity, integration and models of adaptation.
MODULE III. Social processes and interactive dynamics: formation of groups and communities, establishment of bonds of interaction.
MODULE IV. Interethnic relations in the context of today's societies: contact between cultures, xenophobia, racism, discrimination.
MODULE V. Sociological perspectives on migration: social status, demographic dynamics and migration; multiculturalism and integration; action by international organizations; legal concept of migrant and categories of migrants; migration, demography and integration in the European Union.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus contents, consequent to the learning objectives of the curricular unit, provide graduates with fundamental knowledge to be applied to realities under study and to multicultural contexts that take into account the joint dimensions of migration, demography and integration.
Being a reality that, although of all times, is today, due to demographic pressures or, on the contrary, demographic voids, very present, theoretical contents are taught that discuss theories and possible applications to public policies, which consider positions taken by countries and supranational organizations such as the UN or the EU.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Expository and demonstrative, analytical and continuous.
Evaluation system:
(i) Work corresponding to 40 percent of the classification.
Evaluation based on the work of collecting, processing and interpreting data while supporting the learning of the construction of research question. The work is carried out, objectively, for each session and, therefore, it is realized by the written, verifiable answer to the class questions to be deposited, individually, on the course unit platform.
(ii) Test corresponding to 60 percent of the classification.
Assessment of knowledge composed by theoretical-practical test to focus on all contents taught.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The curricular unit incorporates a set of theoretical and practical knowledge important for the creation of a wide awareness about the role that migrations assume in the balance of the world and the association that they have with the demographic and integrative dimensions parts of a whole that can be realized in public policies and humanitarian actions.
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Nazareth, M. (2004) Demografia: a ciência da população. Presença
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Portes, A. (1999) Migrações internacionais. Origens, tipos e modos de incorporação. Celta
Rocha-Trindade; et al. (1995) Sociologia das Migrações. UA