Curricular Unit:Code:
International Political and Economic Order: Globalization and Glocalization1142OPEI
2UndergraduatePolitical Science and International Relations6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The students are expected to:
i. understand globalization from the economic, the social, the political and the cultural points of view; to understand economic and political global order: by integrating concepts, theories and the practical implications of the field.
ii. develop interaction skills by participating in class presentations and debates, on given topics;
iii. search for and manage sources of information, departing from guided readings;
iv. develop oral and written communication skills;
v. acquire self-critical analysis skills that will enable them to foster their autonomous lifelong learning and professional approaches to this academic area.
1. Globalisation/Glocalisation
1.1. The concepts.
1.2. Economic, social, political and cultural impacts of globalisation: a framework.
2. Global governance: the framework.
2.1. The traditional framework: the nation-state and nationalism.
2.2. Multi-level frameworks: levels; internal logics and articulation.
2.3. Fragile states.
2.4. Challenges to multilateralism and neonationalisms.
Unit II – International political and economic order
3. Global governance: policies.
3.1. International trade and the ‘liberal regime of international trade’
3.2. Transnational production and labour law debates.
3.3. Development and cooperation in an asymmetric world.
3.4. Environment policies.
3.5. Migration and refugees
3.6. Security policies.
4. Case studies: students’ reports presentation and discussion.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The chosen topics provide a broad and up-to-date vision of this academic area.
That knowledge grounds possible future self-learning or post-graduate studies, and also paves the way for professional practice in the IR area.
The case studies approach further reinforces the applied dimension of the course.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Lectures & tutorials: discussion of texts and other audio/visual materials in class; students' presentations in class.
2 theoretical assessment elements (35% + 35%); paper (20%); Presence and participation (10%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The adopted methodology aims at providing the students with the relevant information, while fostering heir interest for the topic and their involvement in class and home work, by resorting to orientated readings and increasingly autonomous research and presentation of results. It aims at consolidating the students knowledge and competencies relevant for the course subject. The tests and other assessment elements aim at producing reliable indicators of learning outcomes.
APPADURAI, A. (2005). Dimensões Culturais da Globalização. Teorema
BURNELL, P., et al. (eds.) (2017). Politics in the Developing World. OUP
CASTELLS, M. (2005). A Era da Informação: Economia, Sociedade, Cultura. F.C. Gulbenkian
FIDDIAN-QASMIYEH, E. et al. (eds.) (2016). The Oxford Handbook of Refugee & Forced Migration Studies. OUP
HELD, D. (ed.) (2005). A globalizing world?: culture, economics, politics. Routledge
KARNS, M. & MINGST, K. (2015). International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance. 3ª ed. Lynne Rienner Publishers
LECHNER, F. & BOLI, J., (eds.) (2008). The Globalization reader. Blackwell
O'BRIEN, R. & WILLIAMS, M. (2016). Global political Economy. Evolution and Dynamics. Palgrave/Macmillan
ROBERTSON, M. (2017). Sustainability Principles and Practice. 2ª ed. Routledge
SANTOS, B. S. (ed.) (2000). Globalização: Fatalidade ou Utopia? Afrontamento