Curricular Unit:Code:
Political History and International Relations1142HPRI
1UndergraduatePolitical Science and International Relations6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
(i) To Understand the emergence and development of the State and international relations, in a diachronic perspective;
(ii) To Know the political contexts for the development of relations between nations
(iii) To promote the necessary skills to deal with the issues that arise in the relations between nations;
(iv) To Know the specific techniques and methods that give consistency to the independence of this disciplinary area;
(v) Foster research, selection and self-learning skills and reflection on the subjects covered.
Part I – From the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the split of the European system (1815)
1.1. Portuguese diplomacy in the Restoration
1.2. The Portuguese-Dutch rivalry
1.3. The War of the Spanish Succession: British hegemony?
Part II – From the concerted order (1815-48) to the end of the European order (1894-1917)
2.1. Collective hegemony and balance
2.2. The conference diplomacy
2.3. Continental centralization versus European imperialism
2.4. War culture development
III – Post-war international relations: the European (dis)order
3.1. The disintegration of the international system
3.2. The replacement of British by North American hegemony
3.4. Latin America's new orbit
IV – From the New International Order to the end of the Cold War
4.1. Since 2nd World War to East-West axes: the Cold War
4.2. The Third World development
4.3. The 'continentalization' of post-war Europe
4.4. The dismantling of the USSR
V – Foreign policy and internationalism
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The UC program aims to study politics and international relations from the Peace of Westphalia to the present:
(i) Promote the use of discipline-specific concepts, techniques and analysis tools;
(ii) Promote a reflective analysis of the dynamics of international relations over time;
(iii) Acquire knowledge and skills in the most relevant subjects related to international diplomacy;
(iv) Understand the political, economic and social relations between different countries in different contexts;
(v) Acquire tools for the analysis of comparative international diplomacy.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit is theoretical-practical in nature. The classes combine the exposition of the themes by the teacher, with the interpretative reading of selected contents and previously made available on the e-learning platform (author texts). The assessment is made by continuous assessment and the final classification results from the weighting of the partial classifications of the two written tests (50% + 50%), and can be increased up to a maximum of 20% of the final classification, by carrying out a practical work (optional ) and attendance and participation in the classroom.
Continuous assessment (2 tests) or final exam.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The UC program aims at the study of politics and international relations from the Peace of Westphalia to the present: (i) Promote the use of discipline-specific concepts, techniques and analysis tools; (ii) Promote a reflective analysis of the dynamics of international relations over time; (iii) Acquire knowledge and skills in the most relevant subjects related to international diplomacy; (iv) Understand the political, economic and social relations between different countries in different contexts; (v) Acquire tools for the analysis of comparative international diplomacy.
Capoco, Z. (s/d), História das Relações Internacionais e da Diplomacia, Escolar Editora.
Duroselle, J. B (2014), História das Relações Internacionais. De 1945 aos nossos dias, Texto & Grafia.
Malchow, H. L. (2020), History and International Relations: From the Ancient World to the 21st Century, Bloomsbury Academic.
Sousa, F.; Mendes, P. e Freitas, J. G. de (2022), Dicionário de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais, Almedina.