Curricular Unit:Code:
Communication Grammar - Political Speech1142GRCP
1UndergraduatePolitical Science and International Relations6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This course unit includes the following skills:
1 - Discourse as memory and human identity;
2 - Understanding and contextualizing the appearance and grammar of political discourse;
3 - Understanding and identifying this discourse´s structure as a persuasion mechanism in democratic societies;
4 - Understanding the inherent manipulation in this discourse, especially in current populist regimes.
In terms of learning outcomes, students are expected to;
1 - In a strict sense, identify the history of democratic discourse and its vicissitudes.
2 - In a broader sense, reveal a high level of intellectual maturity, being able to reinforce the civic personality and future professional skills.
It is also intended to develop skills that allow them to analyze the discourse and reflect on their relations with science and society.
The destruction of speech and the destruction of memory;
Democracy and the importance of discourse in Ancient Greece;
The structure of discourse in general and of political discourse as a means of persuasion;
Demagogy, manipulation, and misinformation in the political discourse of current populism.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents described above precisely allow students to complete the syllabus of the course: understanding the importance of discourse as memory and identity and understanding the conceptualization and discursive practices of democratic societies.
In general terms, it seeks to encourage the students' critical, intellectual and civic intervention maturity.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
At first, classes are expository in nature: a set of texts on the topics listed will be discussed, being the intervention of students, however, permanently requested.
An individual knowledge assessment test will follow.
In the second part of the semester, students are expected to provide an individual presentation of work. It is a CPRI-free theme, but one should address aspects of the previously taught material.
In short, assessment is continuous and includes a written test (12 points), an individual presentation in class (6 points) and 2 remaining points for student intervention and participation in the discussion and analysis of the program texts.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The type of assessment introduced above allows the fulfilment of that described in the learning objectives: the acquisition of knowledge, the practice of that knowledge through individual work, and the civic and critical dimension inherent to the two previous points.
Aristóteles (1998). Retórica. IN-CM
Barroso, E. P. e Estrada, R. (2018). "De Hípias Menor a Trump: das virtudes do erro (e da mentira) ao erro da pós-verdade." Estudos em Comunicação, 26.
Harari, Y. N. (2018). "A árvore do conhecimento" in Sapiens De Animais a Deuses. Elsinore
Mello, P. C. (2021). "Bolsonaro e o manual de Viktor Orbán para acabar com a imprensa crítica" in Máquina do Ódio. Quetzal.
Meyer et alii. (2002). História da Retórica. Temas & Debates.
Muirhead, R. and Rosenblum, N. L. (2020). "Knowledge" in A lot of people are saying. Princeton UP
Nietzsche, F. (1996). Acerca da verdade e da mentira no sentido extramoral. Círculo de Leitores
Ovenden, R. (2020). "Saravejo Mon Amour" in Burning the Books. John Murray
Platão (1981). Fedro. Guimarães Editores.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Rui Estrada (