Curricular Unit:Code:
Graphic Communication, Audiovisual and Multimedia1104CGAM
1MasterCommunication Sciences (Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This course unit aims to promote theoretical and practical knowledge about Graphic, Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication; demonstrate the integration of the different themes addressed by providing tools for their practical application. Finally, provide the models and instruments that allow the student to continue autonomous learning throughout life.
Competences to be developed: at the end of the curricular unit the student should master the knowledge about this topic in order to be able to apply them in practice, both at the research level and at the company level. Specifically know how to integrate knowledge in order to solve problems within the scope of Graphic, Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication. Develop the ability to communicate their knowledge in academic and business contact. And finally keep learning about this topic throughout life, and develop an autonomous application of this theme.
1 Graphical Communication
1.1 The elements used in graphic communication.
1.2 Graphic Composition: balance and harmony, types of layout.
1.3 Applications of graphic design: print advertising, outdoor advertising, packaging.
1.4. Preparation exercises for consolidation of knowledge in practice component.
2. Audiovisual Communication
2.1 Steps to create an audiovisual advertisement
2.2 The use of animation in audiovisual advertising
2.3 Types of creative approaches in audiovisual advertising
2.4. Preparation exercises for consolidation of knowledge in practice component.
3 Multimedia and webdesign
3.1. Planning a project of webdesign: project objectives, defining the recipients.
3.2 Definition of content and structure: definition of contents, information architecture, general principles of navigation.
3.3 Design and development: concept and creative website design, website development.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents of each teaching unit approach the theoretical and practice perspectives in the areas of graphic, audio-visual and multimedia communication, promoting thus the acquisition and integration of concepts and techniques related to these areas, seeking to convey a set of tools for practical application in tune with the reality of today's market landscape.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The theoretical and practical classes will consist of exhibition concepts and techniques related to graphic, audio-visual and multimedia communication, based on the literature of the course.
The assessment of knowledge acquired will be done through an individual work with theoretical and practical contents.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Since this is a theoretical and practical curriculum unit, the method used seeks to fulfill these two strands. Lectures allow a conceptual and technical approaches throughout the course component. The practical application component is exercised in group work, always under the supervision of teachers.
Dabner, David; Stewart, Sandra; Vickress, Abbie (2017). Graphic design school : the principles and practice of graphic design, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Fernando Ferreira, Fernando (2017). Web design para todos. Lisboa: Dirigir & Formar.
MARQUES, V. (2015). Video Marketing. Lisboa: Conjuntura Atual Editora.
MARQUES, V. (2018). Marketing digital 360. Lisboa: Conjuntura Atual Editora.
MESQUITA, F. (2014). Comunicação Visual, Design e Publicidade. Lisboa: Media XXI.
Müller-Brockmann, Josef (2007). Grid systems in graphic design : a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers and three dimensional designers. Suiça: Niggli.
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Ana Gabriela Nogueira (
Paulo Cardoso (