Curricular Unit:Code:
Information and Archive Systems1111SAI
2UndergraduateCommunication Sciences6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Main objectives are:
- Introduce and organize the basic Information Systems knowledge corpus;
- Present the basic steps for design, implement and evaluate Information Systems in order to provide real world solutions for organizations;
- Describe and analyse the more recent development of information and communications technology with impact for information systems delivery;
- Propose valid concepts of information systems that can be used within the context future’ students professional activity.
Competences to be developed:
- the student must be able to recognise the main concepts related with Information Systems, identifying its importance and impact; identifying also IS occurencies and be able to list them and related them to the organisational use of computers and networks, as also to defend its use;
- the students must be able to perform the informatin needs gathering and to specify a business process using the BPMN standard process diagramming;
1. Information Systems concepts
1.1 Information, the human being and the computer
1.2 Information Systems terminology
1.3 Using Information Systems in organisations
1.4 Challenges and opportunities on using Information Systems
2. Technology and Information Systems
2.1 Technology assessment
2.2 Information Technology trends
2.3 Multimedia, hipermédia and virtual reality
2.4 Telecommunications and data networks
2.5 Social and organisational impact
3. The Information Systems function and the information resource
3.1 Information Systems functions
3.2 Information functions
3.3 Information needs
3.4 Information processing
3.5 Data modelling
3.6 Data normalisation
3.7 Databases
4.Resolving problems with Information Systems
4.1 Critical thinking and problema analysis
4.2 Information Systems design
4.3 Implementing Information Systems
4.4 Alternative approaches to the Information Systems design
4.5 Security and Information Systems
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents presented to the curricular unit of Information Systems are aligned with the suggestions and best practices promoted by international specialised boards. In particular, we follow the ones presented by IS 2010 (Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems), joint proposed by (Association for Computing Machinery, EUA) and AIS (Association dor Information Systems). As a result, it is proposed the Information Systems study, using a systemic approach and a social technical vision to use and exploration of computers and networks and the organizational information flux. The syllabus allows, in its four modules, the concepts introduction; the technology assessment; the information systems function; and, by last, the use of information systems and its applications to resolve problems. The class provides an introduction who gives a global vision of the use of computer and networks to support information and the information flux to support the organi
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The theory classes presente Information Systems concepts using a lecture oriented strategy. When possible, the lectures are complemented by the use of multimédia contents and the exploration of real world examples as well with the use of World Wide Web.
The practical sessions are developed taken a case study orientation to presente concepts application. When possible, a quiz and an exercise list are followed to assure that student’s aquired the necesary skills to resolve Information Systems problems as presented in the class. On the topics where the use of computer can be an option, it is considered as the first option.
The evaluation method comprises two components in a continuous assessment strategy:
The evaluation uses a writen test to assess the study of the theorical component of the curricular unit, with the weight of 80% of final mark. The test also includes two problems oriented to a more pratical use of the Information Systems concepts (which compose 60% of the test mark).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The class intends to provide a sistemic approach to further explore computers and networks, providing a broad vision of what impact can Informatics Engineering have to organisations. Aditionaly the use of Internet facilities is explored as a space of infomation discovering and also to take advantage as a technological platform to support Information Systems and to support the learning effort to relate Information Systems, its relevance, with the information resource in all its available forms ando ocurrences.
[1] GOUVEIA, L. B. Sistemas de Informação para a Sociedade de Informação e do Conhecimento - transparências, Reprografia da UFP, 2014.
[2] GOUVEIA, L. B. e RANITO, J. Sistemas de informação para gestão. Colecção Inovação nas Autarquias. SPI/Principia, 2004.
[3] GOUVEIA, L. B. Documentação de apoio às aulas práticas. Propostas e exercícios resolvidos. Reprografia da UFP, 2014.
[A] LAUDON, K. C. and LAUDON, J. P. - Management Information Systems, Managing the digital firm, 9th Edition - Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131538411; 2005.
[B] McNURLIN, B. and SPRAGUE, R. Information Systems Management in Practice (7th Edition). Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0131854712; 2005.
[C] ALVER, S. Information Systems: Foundation of E-Business (4th Edition) Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130617733, 2002.