Curricular Unit:Code:
Communication Grammar VI: Economics and Politics1111GRC6
3UndergraduateCommunication Sciences6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Application of theoretical principles to the critical identification of culture and its civilizational meaning. To enable the students for handling, selecting and organizing texts and cultural and scientific problems. To endow the student with vocabulary and intellectual tools that allow them to produce a grounded, coherent and updated discourse.

Briefly, it is a matter of guiding the students, so that they can adopt a reflexive and enlightened attitude towards pertinent institutions, texts and realities within the field of Culture and Science. In this way, the student is expected to grasp dimensions of Culture and Science conveyed by the media, with the aim of enriching professional performances in the field of communication.
1. The different conceptions of Culture
2. Culture, memory and history
3. The phenomena of cultural massification
4. Culture aand society: creators, consumers and institutions
5. The City as a cultural figure
6. Public cultural practices
7. The heterogeneity of cultural practices
8. Words, images and sounds with canonical meaning
9. Tendencies and dissidences in contemporary Culture
10. Communication as a scientific project
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus articulates the perception of the problematic diversity of Culture and Science with the need to understand the civilizational role of these two manifestations of creativity and knowledge.
Bearing in mind that, in contemporary reality, the social presence of Culture and Science is displayed by means of institutional and media contexts, the contents hereby defined aim to endow the students with a grammar and subsequent knowledge which allow them to construct an autonomous and critical vision of the plurality of the world.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Lectures and tutorials
Exams, projects and oral presentations
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodologies adopted comprehend both theoretical and practical classes dedicated to the study of theoretical texts and to the learning of a specialised vocabulary, i.e. the cornerstone for the construction of a 'personal encyclopedia', here understood as an essential working tool in the areas of communication. On the other hand, the methodology adopted aims to endow the students with a systematization of their personal experience, encouraging them to grasp the meaning of discourses and scientific and cultural practices. The methodologies also emphasise the treatment of media contents, their reading/visualisation and interpretation, with a view of encouraging in the students the habits of handling the media according to a grammar of communication which, due to its cultural and scientific focus, will stuimulate individual knowledge and curiosity. The relationship between the methodology and the aims of the curricular unit corresponds to a search for the coherence between professional work in the area of communication and an ability for argumentation that is culturally legitimised.
Bauman, Zygmunt, “Liquid Modernity”, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2011
Bourdieu, Pierre; “The Oxford Handbook of Pierre Bourdieu”, Edited by Thomas Medvetz and Jeffrey J. Sallaz, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018
Campbell, Tom; Davis, Mark; Palmer, Jack “Hidden Paths in Zygmunt Bauman’s Sociology: Editorial Introduction”, Theory, Culture & Society,2018 b-on
Larceneux, Fabrice; Caro, Florence; Krebs, Anne; The Reaction of Visitors to Contemporary Art in a Classical Art Institution: A Louvre Museum Case Study. International Journal of Arts Management,2016 b-on
Ferin, I. ; Comunicação e culturas do quotidiano, Quimera, Lisboa, 2002
Schwanitz, Dietrich, "Cultura" D. Quixote/Expresso, Lisboa, 2015
Steiner, Georges; No castelo do Barba Azul" Relógio d´Água, Lisboa, 1993 BFP SAC 008/STE/47882
Vihalem, Margus; “Everyday aesthetics and Jacques Rancière: reconfiguring the common field of aesthetics and politics”, Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol 10, 2018 b-on