Curricular Unit:Code:
Project Seminar and Field Work1143PPTR
1MasterHumanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- Understand the elementary issues of fieldwork in humanitarian intervention, cooperation and development actions, in order to face new and multidisciplinary challenges;
- Acquire advanced knowledge in the direction of proactive and critical postures and perspectives in the various areas of intervention of fieldwork;
- Develop capacities and eclecticism for a quick understanding and adaptation to the cultural and operational scenarios of each project;
- Develop communication skills to different audiences, as well as resourcefulness and autonomy in the continuous learning process.
Subject 1. Project tools: Minimum standards in humanitarian responses
1. Humanitarian charter
2. Minimum standards and protection principles
3. Water supply and sanitation
4. Nutrition and food aid
5. Shelter and planning of settlement locations
6. Medical cares
7. Case studies and simulation exercises: forced migrants and refugees
Subject 2. Project tools: Communication, advocacy and capacitation
1. Methods and techniques of communication in humanitarian action: IT Tools
2. Media communication in humanitarian action
3. Advocacy strategies
4. Case studies: social entrepreneurship and education projects
Subject 3. The Project cycle: facing the field
1. The field as a scenario of distress
2. The human factor and the individuality of cultures
3. Cultural supremacy as a permanent ideological danger
4. Problem identification and problem hierarchy
5. Selecting data for a field project
6. The structure of a field project
7. Analysis of case studies
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The main objective of the curricular unit is to prepare the student for independent professional practice as a professional of Humanitarian Action, adapting to the new multidisciplinary realities, and innovating in strategies and solutions. The comprehensive configuration of the program aims to develop and deepen research, evaluation and intervention knowledge and skills. Specifically, this curricular unit includes the realization of a guided project - in dissertation format- of a theoretical-practical nature. Its implementation requires, among others, the research of knowledge in a field of knowledge and the proper use of different instruments for data collection, analysis, and interpretation of results, as well as the ability to produce judgments and transmit reasoned conclusions, underpinning forms of empowering learning in everyday life.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching / learning will take place under an active and interventional methodology, based on in-depth thematic seminars, promoting debates and critical reflection exercises. Information, tools and materials to support learning and critical analysis will be provided to Master's students: articles, books, reports and news as up-to-date as possible. Classes will focus on core issues, promoting individual and autonomous research and investigation of each topic by students.
The evaluation will be weighted: Individual Written Research Work: 50%; Oral test: presentation and defense of the work: 25%; Critical Readings (individual and written): 25%.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The three main pedagogical objectives are: 1) understanding the dominant themes of fieldwork in humanitarian cooperation and development; 2) the acquisition of advanced knowledge in the direction of proactive and critical postures and perspectives in the different areas of intervention in the field work; and 3) the development of capacities and eclecticism for a quick understanding and adaptation to the cultural and operational scenarios of each project. These objectives will be achieved, respectively, through classes, specialized seminars, and participation in debates. Students will demonstrate their understanding of fundamental bibliographies and will develop the ability to analyze dominant fieldwork topics; abilities to convey information, ideas, problems, and solutions; and, not least, the capacity for self-learning and the development of autonomous initiatives.
Brito, W. (2021). Direito Internacional Público. Editora Almedina. Crawford, E., & Pert, A. (2020). IHL (2nd ed.). Cambridge Univ Press. Lopes, J. (Coord.) (2020). Regimes Jurídicos Internacionais. Vol. I. Univ. Católica Ed.; Lucas, C. et al (Coord.) (2021). Informe sobre la Desigualdad Global 2022. World Inequality Lab 2021; Max, E. (2021). Room for Manoeuvre? – Promoting International Humanitarian Law and Accountability while at the United Nations Security Council: a reflection on the role of elected members. Geneva Academy. Université de Genève.; Mcauliffe, M & Triandafyllidou (Eds.) (2021). World Migration Report 2022. IOM (2021). Manual de la OIM sobre Protección y Asistencia para Personas Migrantes Vulnerables a la Violencia, la Explotación y el Abuso. OIM, Ginebra. Sphere Association. The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, fourth edition, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018.