Curricular Unit:Code:
Applied Psychopedagogy: Special Educational Needs1023PANE
3UndergraduateSpeech Therapy3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The main goals of this Unit are:
O1 - To know the evolution from special education to inclusion
O2 - To understand inclusive education principles
O3 - To identify students eligibility to special education
O4 - To understand Speech Therapist (SP) role in the Portuguese education system
O5 - To acquire skills in SP intervention with SEN students
O6 - To apply knowledge in real situations
CP1. Regular education, special education and inclusion
1.1 Special education evolution
1.2 Paradigm shift in the services to students with special educational needs
1.3 Assumptions in inclusive education – speech therapist role
CP2. Speech Therapy in the school setting
2.1. Identification and categorization: clinical and educational models
2.2. Intervention in Heath special needs and neurodevelopmental disorders
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus (CP) were delineated by learning objectives (O) of the unit , for students being able to develop skills that enable them to increase knowledge as well as analyze and reflect critically on the Speech therapist intervention on the school settings. It is also intending to contribute for building up a more adequate knowledge regarding this theme, as a facilitator in the analysis of the typical and atypical learning, inherent in professional practice in Speech Therapy. In this way:
CP1 corresponds to O1, O2 and O4; CP2 corresponds to O3, O5 and O6.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
1 written test (60%); 1 paper + oral presentation (40%) with a minimum of 10 values in the final classification.
Attendance according to UFP rules, proactive participation in the classes and tasks proposed.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodology used in classes (more expository and participatory approach with studies case, presentation, analysis and discussion of the themes in lectures, as well as orientation/guidance for their critical reflections regarding research as well as literature reading research), allows students to obtain deepen knowledge as well as a better understanding and ability to discuss the content covered, promoting concept integration, ability to research, analysis and critical thinking, facilitating the work for speech therapist. The teaching methodology assumes a more participatory nature (with the development of dynamic practices and case studies, guidance on critical reflection and analysis of specific situations), intending to provide the ability to apply knowledge in dynamic practices during lectures, promoting the development of skills related to the construction of an adequate and reflective reasoning, connecting to professional practice in inclusive settings. Thus , it is considered that teaching methodologies adopted for this course are consistent with the goals set for it, since they allow increase knowledge of the content covered in lectures, where students have the ability to analyze , discuss and reflect what is relevant for a future practice of a Speech Therapist in school inclusive settings.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2000). Guidelines for the roles and responsabilities of school-based speech-language pathologist. Rockville. MD: Author.
APA (2014). DSM 5: Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais. Lisboa: CLIMEPSI
Direcção-Geral de Inovação e de Desenvolvimento Curricular (2007). Práticas em contexto educativo: Terapeutas da Fala/Docentes de Educação Especial. Ministério da Educação [disponível em]
Correia, L. & Martins, P.(2002). Inclusão: Guia para Professores e Educadores. Braga: Quadrado Azul
Legislação (Diário da República)
Giroto. C. (2014). Atuação fonoaudiológica na Educação Inclusiva. In Tratado das especialidades em fonoaudiologia. São Paulo.
Kauffman, L. & Lopes, J. (2007). Pode a Educação Especial deixar de ser especial?. Braga: Psiquilibrios.
DGIDC (2018). Educação Especial: Manual de Apoio à Prática. MEC: DGIDC. Disponível em