Curricular Unit:Code:
Orofacial Kinetics and Deglutition1023MODG
2UndergraduateSpeech Therapy5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
LG1. To identify and to describe the several structures and functions of the stomatognathic system (chewing, swallowing, speech and respiration);
LG2. To understand the evolution process of the stomatognathic functions;
LG3. To know the disorders of the normal functioning of the stomatognathic system;
LG4. To gather, select and interpret the assessment data of the stomatognathic system;
LG5. To plan the therapeutical intervention for each of the disorders.
PC1. Stomatognathic system and its functions: chewing, sucking, swallowing, speech (articulation), and breathing. Anatomy and physiology. Development and craniofacial growth.
PC2. Stomatognathic functions, and disorders. Structural and/or myofunctional changes. Nosological classification in orofacial motricity and deglutition areas.
PC3. Clinical history and clinical and instrumental assessment of orofacial motricity and deglutition. Anamnesis and assessment used with the special clinic (prematurity, syndromic changes, cleft lip and palate, head and neck cancer). Exploration of protocols.
PC4. Therapeutic intervention in disorders of the orofacial motricity and deglutition. Therapeutic intervention in children with the special clinic. Compensatory strategies and therapeutic techniques (techniques of oral sensorimotor stimulation, compensatory strategies, the progression of skill development, regulatory orofacial therapy).
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The programmatic contents (PC) were delineated in terms of the Learning Goals (LG) of the course. So,
PC1 corresponds to LG1
PC2 corresponds to LG2
PC3 corresponds to LG3
PC4 corresponds to LG4
CP1 focuses on the knowledge and ability to understand the different stomatognathic functions.
The CP2 focuses on the knowledge about the different (clinical) cases with disorders of the stomatognathic functions.
The CP3 focuses on the knowledge and ability to understand the different assessment methods of the stomatognathic functions.
The CP4 focuses on the knowledge and ability to understand different methods of intervention in stomatognathic functions.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
A) Expositive methodology with the presentation of programmatic contents
B) Active and collaborative methodology, analysis and discussion, problem-solving in small groups, oral presentation, brainstorming, the orientation of the research, and reading of specialized bibliography with summary and synthesis and discussion of scientific articles.
C) Evidence-based practice
D) Participatory/active and collaborative methodology, through a practice based on learning with the development of practical dynamic groups, case-study. Guidance in critical reflections and analysis of specific situations.
Evaluation: Normal Season
The final grade results from the weighted average in the following terms:
- Small group dynamics - 20%
- Writing test - 30%
- Report case analysis and presentation 40%
- Classes attendance, active participation in classes and in seminars, conferences, congresses - 10%
Season Resort: Exam (100%)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodology used in theoretical classes allows students to obtain increase knowledge as well as a better understanding and ability to discuss the content covered, promoting concept integration, ability to research, analysis, and critical thinking, facilitating the work for a speech therapist. With practical lessons, in which the methodology assumes a more participatory nature (with the development of dynamic practices and case studies, guidance on critical reflection, and analysis of specific situations), is intended to provide the ability to apply knowledge in dynamic practices developed during lectures, promoting the development of skills related to the construction of an adequate and reflective reasoning, connecting to professional practice. Thus, it is considered that teaching methodologies adopted for this course are consistent with the goals set for it since they allow increase knowledge of the content covered in lectures, where students have the ability to analyze, discuss and reflect on what is relevant for the future practice of a Speech Therapist. LG1, LG2, and LG3 Methodology a), b) and c); assessment - small group dynamics (research, situation-problem analysis, reflection, and synthesis) and writing test LG4 Methodology b), c), and d) assessment - small group dynamics (research, situation-problem analysis, reflection, and synthesis), report case analysis, and presentation
Antunes, E.B. & Ramalho, L. (2009). Deglutição no adulto: a perspectiva do terapeuta da fala. In: Peixoto, V. & Rocha, J. (Orgs.). Metodologias de intervenção em terapia da fala. Porto: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Groher, M.E. & Crary, M.A. (2010). Dysphagia: clinical management in adults and children. Maryland Heights: Mosby Elsevier
Oliveira, I., Mota, L., Vaz Freitas, S. & Lopes Ferreira, P. (2019). Dysphagia screening tools for acute stroke patients available for nurses: A systematic review. Nursing Practice Today. 6(3): 103-115
Susanibar, F et al. (2014). Tratado de evaluación de motricidad orofacial y áreas afines, Madrid Editorial EOS
Susanibar, F. et al. (2016). Motricidad Orofacial - fundamentos basados en evidencia - volumen 2. Madrid Editorial EOS
Sanchis, S.B. & Clari, V.R. (Coord.) (2008). Guía para la reeducación de la deglutición atípica y trastornos associados. Valencia, Nau Libres