Curricular Unit:Code:
Administrative Techniques1097TADM
1CTSPAdministrative Management in Clinical Context8 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English104
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes for the application of the administrative process in a clinical context. Develop communication skills with the client and with other teams and professionals. Identify the official wording used in the clinical context and develop knowledge for its apprehension and application. Understand the interrelationships of the administrative element as a link between the different services of the health unit.
Historical view of the concept of health and the process of humanization of health. Main health agencies in Portugal: vision, mission and management. The role of the administrative element as a link between the different services of the health unit and its performance and interference in the health unit through good and effective customer service at different times of operation. Aspects of administrative communication with the client and in a multidirectional scope with other health professionals. Official writing and document management.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus contents were selected and organized in an integrated manner, in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and competences related to the administrative process in a clinical context. For all the themes developed, the student will be offered the opportunity to learn and actively reflect on the role of the administrative staff in the provision of health care.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit develops in hours of contact, sharing and autonomous development of the student. For the intended objectives, expository, interrogative teaching methodologies and presentation of case studies for simulation are used. The classes will be theoretical-practical designed to deepen the topics covered. The continuous evaluation regime consists of a moment of project exposure (70%) and a written test (30%). UFP Pedagogical Regulation applies to all items.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Students are invited to be involved in the learning process. The student's involvement in the learning process is carried out in order to motivate and promote a more sustainable acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences.
• - Almeida, V. (2000). A comunicação interna na empresa. Lisboa: Práxis. - Campos, A. P., Cardadeiro, F., & Esteves, M. J.
• (2004). Técnicas administrativas. Lisboa: Plátano Editora. - Lousã, A., Pereira, P. A., Lambert, R., & Lousã, M. D. (2004).
• Técnicas administrativas. Porto: Porto Editora. - Silva, H. V., & Matos, M. A. (2004). Técnicas administrativas. Alfragide:Texto Editora.