Curricular Unit:Code:
Embryology, Histology and Cytology1025EHCT
1UndergraduatePhysiotherapy4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The main goals of this Unit are: 1) justify the importance of studying embryology, histology and cytology in the academic training of a physiotherapist; 2) understand the morphology in a functional perspective; 3) provide the fundamentals for critical interpretation concerning histopathology and cytopathology.
Basic tissues: epithelial tissue, connective tissue (proper connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage tissue, bone tissue), muscle tissue and nerve tissue. Cardiovascular system: general characteristics and organization. Respiratory system: general characteristics and histological organization (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli). Skin and appendages: structure and functions. Digestive system: general organization of the digestive tract: i) oral cavity - histological organization; ii) general organization of the digestive tract - histophysiology of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
Fundamentals of human embryology: germ layers, development and differentiation; derivatives; general embryonic development, phases and processes concerning the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Fundamental and basic knowledge will be presented for each subject and discussion will be promoted.
Particular emphasis will be given to the important structure-function relationship, considering both cellular and tissue level. It is intended to provide medical knowledge foundations and favoring the development of skills related observation, interpretation and the best application of the acquired knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The Course has a total of 4 ECTS credits and total contact hours are distributed by Theoretical Component (TC, 30 hours), Practical Component (PC, 30 hours), Tutorial Orientation (OT, 7.5 hours) and Other (O, 7.5 hours).
Theoretical Component (TC) consists on expository, descriptive and demonstrative lessons of the topics defined in the syllabus. Practical Component (PC) consists on teaching sessions that allow the observation and interpretation of histological slides.
Assessment is continuous and consists in two written tests in TC and two practical tests in PC. Students will be approved if their final classification is 10 or superior in both components.
The final classification results from 75% CT and 25% CP.
In the Tutorial Orientation /Other sessions (OT/O) the student is guided in his study and management of academic times. The proper use of recommended bibliography is encouraged and the development of scientific research methods is promoted.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In TC classes the syllabus will be taught using the support of multimedia devices. Relevant theoretical concepts will be exposed in the classroom. Discussion based on "problem issues" will be promoted. These different teaching approaches, aim to develop the student’s ability to create their own model of learning, adapted to each programmatic topic. The PC is structured according to TC and consists of a weekly lecture. Given the characteristics of the course, students will be encouraged to develop a continuous study - using embryology and histology textbook and atlas available at Fernando Pessoa University - in order to stimulate self-learning. The Tutorial Orientation (OT) sessions consist of guidance sessions for students, enabling them to properly use the bibliography, to develop scientific research methods focused on the syllabus topics. Scientific reading favoring the contact with scientific nomenclature will be promoted. The development of judgment skills needed for scientific review, will be considered. Other (O) are free sessions designed to enable the student to clarify scientific methodologies used in presentation of research results. The teaching methods employed range from the theoretical study to the transmission of individual and professional experiences, and discussions in the classroom, based on "problem issues". These different teaching approaches, aim to develop the student’s ability to create their own model of learning, adapted to each programmatic topic.
GARTNER, L.P. (2020). Textbook of Histology. 5th ed, Elvesier.
KIERSZENBAUM, A.L. & TRES, L. (2019). Histology and Cell Biology: an introduction to pathology. 5th ed, Saunders.
PAWLINA W. & ROSS M.H. (2018). Histology: a text and atlas – with correlated cell and molecular biology. 8th ed, LW&W.
MESCHER, A. (2021). Junqueira’s Basic Histology: Text and Atlas. 16th ed, McGraw-Hill Medical.
SADLER, TW. (2018). Langman’s medical embryology. 14th ed, Williams & Wilkins.
• Serão ainda colocados ao dispor do aluno os recursos pedagógicos da Unidade Curricular todas as semanas (Plataforma Canvas). The student will also have access to pedagogical resources of the curricular unit every week (in the Canvas platform).