Curricular Unit:Code:
Nursing Care for the Adult1077CEAU
2UndergraduateNursing10 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English130
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the medical / surgical process of health / illness;
- To demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes to apply the nursing process to the adult person with medical or surgical pathology;
- To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the problem of the person experiencing health / disease processes in the area of medical and surgical nursing;
- To base nursing care to the person with medical-surgical changes, as well as specific situations, framed in the steps of the nursing process;
- To demonstrate knowledge and skills for the execution of technical procedures associated to the practice of medical and surgical nursing;
- To develop critical thinking and problem solving skills in medical and surgical nursing;
- To integrate the knowledge of other curricular units, for the conception of nursing care to the adult person with medical or surgical pathology
1. The person / family and the hospitalization: from the reception to the return home.
- Health-disease transition process, impact on the person and the family
2. Nursing care in the person with cancer;
3. Care Nursing the person in the control of Pain;
4. Nursing care for the person with medical and surgical pathology:
Respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, endocrine, metabolic; neurological, renal,urological; hematological, musculoskeletal and infectious diseases;
- Laboratory practices: Associated nursing procedures
5. Nursing care in different complementary diagnostic tests;
6. Operating theater
-Introduction to the surgical environment;
-Risks in the Operative Block;
- Nursing care for therapeutic agents;
- Nursing care for the person in the different phases of the perioperative period;
- Nursing care for the person under ambulatory surgery;
- Technical procedures associated with nursing practice in the surgical area;
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus contents of this curricular unit reflect an approach within the scope of nursing in Adult Health, considering a perspective of comprehensive and holistic intervention. It is based on the development of different topics in an integrated way, focusing on the problem of the person experiencing health / illness processes in medical and surgical context and its relevance to the systematization of nursing care according to the stages of the process of nursing. It is understood that the syllabus contents are in accordance with the objectives of the curricular unit, allowing the student to obtain knowledge and comprehension capacity that support the rationale of the nursing care to be developed, in a safe and adequate way.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Expository, interrogative and simulation teaching methodologies are used. Theoretical classes are expository and interactive. Theoretical-practical classes designed to deepen the themes taught with the aid of teaching material and for the demonstration, execution of techniques and procedures that will be later developed by students in simulated practices. The continuous evaluation is based on the evaluation of group work carried out in Laboratory Practice, clinical cases (25%), and the Nurse's Intervention in Complementary Diagnostic Exams (25%), the assessment of individual written test (50%). Approval to the UC is subject to obtaining 9.5 values. Attendance is mandatory for at least 50% of the workload and 80% of the Laboratory Practice, to have access to continuous assessment. Exam: students who do not pass the continuous assessment can take the exam consisting of 1 written frequency, with a weighting of 100%.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodologies are oriented in coherence and articulation with the defined learning objectives. Together they are an essentially interactive strategy centered on the student, with a focus on a work that stimulates reflection and values processes of a cognitive and interpersonal nature, properly oriented and framed in the theoretical, theoretical / practical and laboratory sessions of the curricular unit. With the implementation of the methodologies considered, it is assumed that the student is actively involved in its evolution and delineates efforts in the search for updated information, support the work and develop skills and competencies to diagnose, plan, perform and evaluate nursing care for the elderly with medical and surgical pathology.
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Internacional Council of Nurses (2016). Classificação Internacional para a Prática da Enfermagem (CIPE®) Versão 2015
Janice Hinkle et al (2015).Brunner & Suddarth: Manual de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica. (13ª Ed). Guanabara Koogan;
Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2003) - Competências do Enfermeiro de Cuidados Gerais. Divulgar: Lisboa.
Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2011) - Regulamento do Perfil de Competências do Enfermeiro de Cuidados Gerais. Divulgar: Lisboa.
Phipps, J. et al (2010) - Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica: Perspetivas de Saúde e Doença. (8ª. ed). Loures: Lusodidacta
Portugal. Ministério da saúde (2011). Manual de Normas de Enfermagem: Procedimentos Técnicos. (3ª ed).
Lecturer (* Responsible):
António Moreira (
Jacinta Gomes (