Curricular Unit:Code:
Anatomophysiology I853AMO1
1UndergraduateNursing7 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Intends to provide foundations for understanding the functioning of the human organism, at molecular, cellular, tissue, organic and systemic. The study of this discipline should enable the student to learn the most important aspects of Human Anatomy to allow later understand fundamental concepts in the area of the field of nursing and medical care.
Introduction to Anatomophysiology. Levels of human body’s organization. Cell and tissue: Structure and functions. Division of Anatomy. Reference planes. Direction and anatomical position. The skin – structure and functions. Effects of ageing on skin. Skeletal system: general anatomy, structure and functions of bones. Articulations and biomechanics of corporal movements, structure, type and functions of articulations. Muscular system – general anatomy, classification, structure and functions of muscles. Muscular contraction and relaxation. Nervous system – division of nervous system. Components of central nervous system and peripheral nervous system – structure and functions. Synapsis – structure and transmission of nerve impulse. Reflex arc. Types of reflexs. Splancnology – morphology and physiology.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The construction of the syllabus, with the approach of the morphological and functional aspects of the human organism, with theoretical information, theoretical-practical and practice the topics covered, including the use of appropriate resources, such as videos and manipulation of anatomical models, is appropriately suited to the process of learning the discipline of Human Anatomy in course nursing curriculum.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Interrogative, expositive e demonstrative. Oral exposure of the contents, stimulating active participation of students, using audiovisual tools. There are T and P classes. Evaluation is composed by the following moments: T component: 2 written tests about the contentes (50%). TP component: investigational presentation as well as the global performance of the student across the semestre (15%). Practical component: 2 individual evaluations (35%)
The student must achieve the minimum grade of 10 val. on each component; just the thoretical componente can be evaluated by final exam. The non-approval to the practical componente implies new inscription on this componente.
The general 'Regulamento' of UFP must be observed and followed about absences regime.
Lack of participation and comparence to the evaluation moments implies a classification of zero val. on that componentand, correspondently on final grade calculation formula with the non atribution of the correspondente ECTS.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodology focused on theoretical, theoretical-practical information and practice the topics covered, including the use of appropriate educational resources, such as videos and manipulation of anatomical models, is appropriately suited to the process of learning the discipline of Human Anatomy in nursing curriculum plan.
Seeley, R, Stephens, T. & Tate, P., 2015, Anatomia & Fisiologia, 10ª ed., McGraw-Hill, Portugal.
Tortora, G & Grabowski, S, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed. Harper Collins College Publishers USA.
Guyton, A. & Hall, J., 2006, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th ed., Elsevier Saunders, USA .