Curricular Unit:Code:
Nursing Care in Critical Situations I1077CSC1
3UndergraduateNursing5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes to apply the nursing process to the person in a critical situation;
- Acquire skills to identify, plan, execute and evaluate nursing care for the critically ill person and significant others.
- Provide a basis for reflection on humanization in urgency and emergency situations, in the care of people in critical situations and significant others.
- Execution and interpretation of special semiological methods for the person in critical situation
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills to perform procedures in critical situations;
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills to plan nursing care for the person in a critical situation, using the scientific methodology of nursing work;
- Integrate knowledge from other curricular units, for the design of general nursing care in critical situations.
1. Concepts in Nursing related to the person in a critical situation
- Contextualization to the Emergency Service
2. Framework of Urgency / Emergencies
- Hospital Referral Network
- Integrated Medical Emergency System
3. Clinical nursing fundamentals of the critically ill person
- Screening
- Patient assessment (laboratory practice)
- Air and land transport
- Vascular access and sample collection
- Pain control
4. Monitoring the person in critical situation
- Electric
- Hemodynamics
- respiratory
5. Advanced Life Support (laboratory practice)
- By air
- Cardiac arrest rhythms
- Defibrillators and Pacemakers
- Drugs
- Algorithms
6. Medical emergencies
- Respiratory
- Cardiovascular
- shock
-. neurological
- Toxicological
- Endocrine
7. Approach to the polytraumatized (laboratory practice)
- brain
- thoracoabdominal
- Skeletal muscle
- Vertebromedullary
8. Medical-surgical emergencies
9. Ethical aspects of the person in critical situation
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus is defined in order to allow the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills for the practice of nursing care for the person in a critical situation. It should be noted that the syllabus is in accordance with the objectives of the curricular unit, allowing the student to obtain knowledge and the ability to understand that support the rationale of nursing care for the person in a critical situation, to be developed, in a safe and adequate way.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit is developed in contact hours and in the student's autonomous work time. For the intended objectives, expository, interrogative and simulation teaching methodologies are used. Theoretical classes are essentially expository and interactive. Theoretical-practical classes are intended to deepen the topics taught with the help of appropriate teaching material (simulators, models, videos) and for the demonstration, execution of techniques and procedures that will later be developed by students in simulated practices, under the guidance and teacher supervision. The continuous assessment regime consists of two moments of written test with a weighting of 50% each. UFP's Pedagogical Regulation applies to all items.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The need to analyze and reflect on new concepts implies the use of expository and interrogative methodologies. The demonstration of procedures enables the acquisition of techniques essential to the practice of care for the person in a critical situation. The simulation of theoretical-practical cases and the application of the nursing process allows for the consolidation of skills for the use of the Nursing Process as a scientific working methodology in approaching the person in a critical situation.
- Carneiro, A. & Neutel, E. (2011). Manual do Curso de Evidência na Emergência. 4ª Ed. Porto: Reanima
- Comité do PTLS da National Association of Emergency Médical Technicians. (2016). Atendimento Pré- Hospitalar ao Traumatizado. (8ª ed). Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
- Coimbra, N. et al. (2021). Enfermagem de Urgência e Emergência. Lisboa: LIDEL
- Conselho Português de Ressuscitação (2010) – Manual de suporte avançado de vida
- Internacional Council of Nurses (2016). Classificação Internacional para a Prática da Enfermagem (CIPE®) Versão 2015.
- Marques, A. et all. (2010) – Triagem no Serviço de Urgência. Grupo de triagem de Manchester. 2ª Ed.
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Cuidados Intensivos e Ordem doa Médicos. (2008). Transportes de Doentes Críticos Recomendações. Centro Editor Livreiro da Ordem dos Médicos
- Urden, L.; Stacy, K.; Lough, M. (2008). Enfermagem de Cuidados Intensivos. Diagnóstico e Intervenção. 5ª Ed. Loures: Lusodidacta