Curricular Unit:Code:
Nursing Care for Children and Adolescents II - Clinical Teaching1077CCA2
3UndergraduateNursing6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To know the organic and functional structure of the units providing health care to the child, youth and family; Integrate scientific, technical and theoretical knowledge in the care of the child, youth and family; Establish a helping relationship with the child, youth and family; Identify and plan the need for nursing care for the child, youth and family; Acquire progressively autonomy in the activities developed; Carry out planned care seeking to involve the family; Evaluate and record the care provided; Acquiring skills in the area of information systems
In the course of the internship, which is preferably carried out in Internment and Pediatric Consultation Services, the various contents included in the Curricular Unit of Child Health Nursing and Youth I can be mobilized, other knowledge acquired in all other Curricular Units of the Course , The contents addressed in the course of the Seminars and those that are necessary in the face of the needs detected in the Clinical Teaching
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The Internship aims to promote a meeting between the professionals and the student in a work context and is intended to complement the theoretical and practical training and the gradual awareness of the different roles of the nurse and the required competencies. Considering the syllabus contents of the Child Health Nursing Curriculum and the Youth I Nursing Unit, and in function of the characteristics of the Services where the Clinical Teaching is carried out, it is expected that the student will understand the coherence of the theoretical, practical and theoretical knowledge Acquired in the theoretical units with the clinical practice, and that understands and develops competences in the different phases of the Nursing Process, in the relation and in the therapeutic communication and in the methodologies of registration of the care.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The follow-up in Internship is based on the concept of clinical supervision as a process in which a nurse guides the student in human, educational and professional development, in an attitude of systematic monitoring of practice, mainly through reflection and experimentation procedures. According to the welcoming institution, supervision is based on two models: pedagogical guidance, using the figure of a pedagogical supervisor (the nurse assumes the responsibility of accompanying, guiding and evaluating a group of students) or tutorial orientation, characterized by the monitoring of the By a professional experienced in the Service. The evaluation is based on an evaluation grid built from the "Regulation of the competency profile of the General Care Nurse" (OE), the Internship Report and other work that may be requested as a case study. Student is successful when his or her final grade is 10 or higher.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In any of the supervisory styles, the supervisor uses non-managerial methodologies (values, looks at the student's world and its initiatives, knows how to listen to the student, encourages, helps him to clarify his ideas and feelings and asks (Focus their concerns on giving guidelines, establishing criteria and conditioning student attitudes) and collaborative (uses collaborative strategies and verbalizes what the student is saying, Making summaries of suggestions and problems and helping to solve them). Thus, it allows to achieve the objectives of the Curricular Unit, namely to be able to promote the transfer of the acquired knowledge to the context of clinical practice, to reflect on the individual experiences lived in the context of internship and to demonstrate a critical-reflexive attitude towards the practices.
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