Curricular Unit:Code:
First Aid and Basic Life Support1096PSSB
2CTSPHealth Services Aid6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- Know the Integrated Medical Emergency System.
- Know the survival chain.
- Act in accordance with universal protective precautions.
- Identify the general principles of first aid.
- Identify in an orderly way the steps of the examination of primary and secondary assessment of a victim.
- Know the basic life support algorithm (with and without automatic external defibrillator)
- Know the concept of hemorrhage and know how to act in a hemorrhage situation.
- Know how to act in special suffocation situations.
- Know how to act in special situations of intoxication.
- Know how to act in special situations of limb injuries.
- Know how to proceed in special situations of allergic reactions.
- Know how to proceed in special burn situations.
- Develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice.
1. Presentation of contents
2. Infection control: protective measures
3. Victim assessment: vital signs
4. Integrated Medical Emergency System
5. Approach to the victim
6. General notions of first aid: wounds, burns and hemorrhages
7. General notions of first aid: fractures, immobilizations
8. General notions of first aid: intoxications, convulsions and electrocution
9. Basic Adult Life Support
10. Pediatric Basic Life Support
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus was selected and organized among themselves in an integrated manner, in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and competences related to the themes in learning. For all the themes developed, the student will be offered the opportunity to learn and actively reflect on the role they can play in situations of first aid and basic life support.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit is developed in contact hours and in the student's autonomous working time. For the intended objectives, expository teaching methodologies, interrogatives, role play, case studies and simulation are used. Theoretical classes are essentially expository and interactive. The theoretical-practical classes are intended to deepen the themes taught with the aid of appropriate teaching material (simulators, models, videos) and for the demonstration, execution of techniques and procedures that will be later developed by students in simulated practices, under guidance and teacher supervision. The continuous assessment regime comprises a time of written test (50%) and laboratory practice assessments (50%). In all items, the Pedagogical Regulation of the ESS-FP applies.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Students are invited to be involved in the learning process. The theoretical-practical sessions, where the expository, interrogative and brainstorming method predominates, alternate with laboratory practice sessions, where the demonstrative method and individual practice will be used. Student involvement in the learning process is carried out in order to motivate and promote a more sustainable acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences. With a view to the operationalization of procedures and the acquisition of critical-reflective attitudes, the demonstrative method is used for the development of manual/psychomotor skills, the role play for the development of communication and diagnostic skills and the panel discussion, in reflection on the integration of theoretical contents in laboratory practices.
Bonito, J. (2000). Práticas de primeiros socorros – um guia para salvar vidas. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote. 491 pp. [ISBN: 972-20-1732-2]
Chris, M. (2002). Manual de Primeiros Socorros (1ª edição). Lisboa, Portugal: Editorial Estampa. 194 pp. [ISBN: 9789723317190]
Escola de Socorrismo Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. (2015). Manual de Suporte Básico de Vida (4ª d.). Prior Velho: Escola de Socorrismo Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. 43 pp. [ISBN 978-989-95164-1-0]
European Resuscitation Council. (2010). Suporte Imediato de Vida. Conselho Português de Ressuscitação.
Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica. (2012). Suporte Básico de Vida. Obtido de
Lacombe, G. (2000). Os Primeiros Socorros - uma Resposta Vital em Situações de Urgência. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget. 500 pp. [ISBN 978-972-77130-6-6]
European Portal da Saúde (2008). Manual de Primeiros Socorros. Obtido de
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Joana Filipa Pereira (