Curricular Unit:Code:
Human Computer Interaction1127IHM
1MasterComputer Systems Engineering (Information Systems and Multimedia)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
• Main objectives are:
- Learn and acquire the essential concepts related with human computer interaction;
- be able to work with the broad concepts of interface and interaction in the human computer discipline;
- Be able to design, implement and evaluate interaction systems using interface Technologies and specialized design techniques;
- Be able to describe and analyse the most recent interaction Technologies, as well as be able to assess its impact;
- Get long term concepts for future interactive systems design in professional context.
Competences to be developed:
- the student must be able to recognise the specific charatheristics of human computer interaction within the broader computer systems;
- the student must be able to apply HCI techniques and understand the contexto for its use, considering different classes of systemas, as SCADA, World Wide Web and mobile systems;
- the student must be able to aply usability studies and analyse interfaces as well interactive systems;
- the
Part I Concepts
1 Foundations
1.1 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
1.2 The relationship of HCI to other disciplines
1.3 The importance of HCI
Part II Human factors
2 User´s physical capabilities
3 User´s mental capabilities
Part III Ssystems
4 The interface and interactive systems
5 Design systems for humans
Part IV Evaluation
6 Evaluation and Testing
7 Ergonomics
8 Social implications and the future of HCI.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
With the growing demoand of computers and networks in virtually all human activities, the relationship between humans ad digital technology assumes higher relevance. The multiplicity of digital tools and the growing use of the digital as a mediator for interaction even between humans, require that the study of such digital tools have to have particular focus on the issues of Human Computer Interaction concepts and proposals.
This curricular unit has at his main goal to provede an introduction course on the main problems in the área of human computer interaction. The approach followed is the study of the topics that easy the understanding of HCI concepts, models and techniques used to analyse and improve interfaces between humans and machines and to optimize interactions on available human computer systems, by giving a pratical context to aply and discuss them. The class contents and teaching strategies follow the recommendations from ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, EUA)
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The theory classes presente Information Systems concepts using a lecture oriented strategy. When possible, the lectures are complemented by the use of multimédia contents and the exploration of real world examples as well with the use of World Wide Web.
The practical sessions are developed taken a case study orientation to presente concepts application. When possible, a quiz and an exercise list are followed to assure that student’s aquired the necesary skills to resolve Information Systems problems as presented in the class. On the topics where the use of computer can be an option, it is considered as the first option.
The evaluation method comprises two components in a continuous assessment strategy:
The evaluation uses a writen test to assess the study of the theorical component of the curricular unit, with the weight of 80% of final mark. The test also includes two problems oriented to a more pratical use of the Information Systems concepts (which compose 60% of the test mark).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The class work is mainly pratical and i tis oriented to a set of activities that aims the content production and the development of a product whose requirements fulfil user needs and provide the work on typical HCI problems. Aditionally, the class work is developed using a collaborative setting, where just one individual work is required: an Ignite stype presentation where each students presents its contribution for the project. The Ignite presentation is based on na oral presentation with powerpoint support (a powerpoint of 20 slides, each one presnted for 15 seconds, providing a total of 5 minutes for presenting)
[1] Sharp, H.; Rogers, Y.; Preece, J. (2015). Interaction Design. Edition. Wiley.
[2] Gouveia, L. (2016). Interação Humano Computador. UFP.
[A] Norman, D. (1998). The invisible computer. The MIT Press.
[B] Norman, D. (1993). Things that make us smart. Addison Wiley.