Curricular Unit:Code:
Development of Information Systems1127DSI
1MasterComputer Systems Engineering (Information Systems and Multimedia)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The class main goal is to prepare students for the information systems development and its importance within a real world setting where we need to deal with complexity in organizations. Additionally knowledge and practice on a number of methods, techniques and tools is provided to support IS dev. The class sessions are oriented towards practical considerations that demand both individual and group work in order to explore the class content.
1. Information Systems fundamentals
1.1. IS concepts for computed based information systems
1.2. The development environment for an Information System
1.3. Software origins and its relationships with IS
2. Information Systems Planning
2.1.The planning process and its business relationship
2.2. Integrate business and IS: concepts and challenges
2.3. Identify and select information systems projects
3. Information Systems Development
3.1. Concepts and practice of Information Systems Development
3.2. Data model design
3.3. Information report systems design
3.4. Interaction and visualization systems design
3.5. Practical exploration: the use of Web and distributed based systems
4. Implementing and maintaining information systems
4.1. Implementing Information Systems
4.2. Maintaining Information Systems
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
After concluding ISDev classes, a student must be able to:
- Identify the most important concepts and advantages of using computed based information systems, its planning, development, implementation and maintenance.
- Recognize and identify the fundamentals related with the design, development, implementation and maintenance of information systems
- Manage process of information systems development
- Participate in information systems development in a proactive way
- Discuss and produce a plan to the development of Web based distributed systems
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Report of development project related with a work proposal and class participation in ongoing practical challenges. Students can also be called to present their work report and to defend their taken design options.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Information Systems Development is a class in complement to Systems Analysis that explores the efforts towards the design and construction of computer based information systems. The Information system development is a complex process, which is integrated with a group of activities of the IS lifecycle. As a result, the class discuss IS fundamentals and its reasoning within a design framework where the organization, its business and functioning is the core issue. The questions of planning IS are also introduced in complement with the business integration and the need to project management within an organization – as a complement to System Analysis
[1] Joey George & Joseph Valacich (2019). Modern Systems Analysis and Design. 8th Edition. Prentice Hall.
[2] Kennet Laudon & Jane Laudon (2017). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. 15th Edition. Prentice Hall.
[3] Luis Borges Gouveia (2004). Sistemas de Informação para Gestão. SPI/Principia.
[4] Luis Borges Gouveia (2006). Conceitos fundamentais de Negócio Electrónico. SPI/Principia.
[5] David Avison & Guy Fitzgerald. (2011). Information Systems Development. Methodologies, techniques & tools. 4th Edition. McGraw Hill Higher Education