Curricular Unit:Code:
Mobile Networks and Services I1126RSC1
1MasterComputer Systems Engineering (Mobile Computation)6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This course aims to study the particularities of data transmission in wireless networks and the most relevant wireless communication protocols.
Upon successful completion of this course unit students should be able to:
1. Describe the evolution and usage trends of wireless network protocols.
2. Identify the limitations and countermeasures used in wireless communication networks.
3. Describe the mechanisms of multiplexing and media access.
4. Describe the architecture of personal, local, and wide area wireless networks.
5. Propose, design, implement, test and manage a wireless network running a protocol suitable for a specific application scenario.
1. Wireless Networks - Facts, Statistics, and Trends.
2. Modulation, coding and signal propagation.
3. Multiplexing and media access.
4. WLANs - IEEE 802.11
5. WPANs - Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy. IEEE 802.15.4 and 6loWPAN
6. LPWANs - LoRa and Sigfox
7. WWANs - Evolution of 2G - 4G cellular networks. 5G networks.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
This course is dedicated to the study of data transmission in wireless communication networks and the most relevant network protocols in different usage scenarios. The first chapter contextualizes the theme. The fundamental concepts of wireless transmission are presented in the second and third chapters. The remaining chapters are devoted to the study of network protocols suited to different usage scenarios highlighting WLANs, IoT support protocols (WPANs and LPWANs), and cellular networks (WWANs). Learning objectives are achieved by complementing theoretical concepts with concrete examples executed in a laboratory environment using simulators and physical devices.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The learning process in this course will be done using theoretical and practical classes. Theoretical classes present the fundamental concepts for understanding the subject. In practical classes students are faced with real problems that have to be solved using simulators and appropriate hardware devices.
The assessment of the skills acquired by the student in this curricular unit consists of the following assessment elements:
(1) Theoretical
(2) Practical Projects
(3) Exam(s)
Continuous evaluation:
Practical Grade (PG) = Average of the practical projects,
Final Grade = ((1) + PG) /2, PG>=9.5
Exam Evaluation (PG>=9.5):
Final Grade = (5)
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The learning focus of this course is on the understanding of data transmission in wireless networks and on the characteristics, architecture and applications of wireless communication protocols. Solving worksheets and hands-on projects for implementing and testing wireless communication protocols allow students to acquire the skills they need.
[1] Beard, C.; Stallings, W. – "Wireless Communication Networks and Systems" - Pearson, 2016.
[2] Schiller, J. – Mobile Communications 2nd ed. – Addison Wesley 2003.
[3] Tanenbaum, A.; Feamster, N.; Wetherall, D. – “Computer Networks 6th Edition – Pearson 2020.
[4] IEEE Wireless Communications,
Lecturer (* Responsible):
Pedro Sobral (