Curricular Unit:Code:
Foreign Language -German-832LEA1
1UndergraduateComputer Systems Engineering3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Development of the linguistic and communicative skills. Learning process of the main grammar structures. Identification and production of various kinds of dialogues through the development of the following skills: listening, understanding and speaking. To encourage the ability of gathering, selecting and interpreting relevant information, particularly the one related to their field of study.
1 Welcome!
1.1 Introductions; to say hello and goodbye. To talk about things that one likes
2. Name, address, job
2.1 To ask for someone; to ask for the address, job, telephone number, etc. To fill a form.
3. What's this?
3.1 To ask for certain objects; answering; to talk about objects of the classroom
4. What about today? Shall we go shopping?
4.1 To talk about shopping; what you like(or not) shopping; to have a simple conversation; to understand information about a city
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
1 – Starting in German
Goal: to meet someone, greetings, introductions
2 - Café d
Goal: To start a conversation, to introduce oneself and introduce others, to order something and to pay, to ask for /say a telephone number
3 – In the German course
Goal: ask for objects, name objects,
4 – Cities, countries and languages
Goal: to talk about cities or countries, to know how to describe a certain location, to know the names of the languages and nationalities
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
1 – Starting in German
In this chapter the introduction to the German language learning process is made, drawing the attention of the students to the large use of foreign words. The first notions of the German syntax and grammar are given. Introductions´ vocabulary.
2 – Café d
Introduction of more specific vocabulary related to introductions, as well as vocabulary for starting a conversation. The numbers until 1000. Correlation between this vocabulary and real day to day situations: dialogues at the coffee shop, ordering something to drink, asking for and paying the bill, asking for and giving the telephone number. Presentation of some more grammar rules: the nouns ‘gender, the interrogative, the Present Simple and the modal verb “mögen”.
3 – In the German course
Classroom vocabulary: to name the objects used in the classroom. Input of the grammar rules concerning the plural of the nouns, as well as the negative.
4 – Cities, countries and languages
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
With the help of several resources (chosen book, texts, activities and exercises from the internet) various activities are performed in order to develop the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Development of the linguistic and communicative skills aiming at an effective communication in a variety of social and professional contexts; development of a tool for the student´s specific education and training, as well as the autonomous learning and research.
(1) Funk, H.; Kuhn, C; Demme, S., 2007, Studio d A1, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin
(2) Albrecht, U.; Dane, D.; Fandrych, C; Grüsshaber, G; Henningsen, U,; Kilimann, A.; Schäfer, T., 2009, Passwort Deutsch 1, Ernst Klett Sprachen, Stuttgart
(3) Hering, Axel, Matussek, Magdalena, Perlmann-Balme, Michaela, (2002), em-
Uebungsgrammatik. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Max Hueber Verlag
(4) Lemcke, Rohrmann, 2007, Wortschatz Intensivtrainer A1
(5) Quintino, Carla e Lima, Maria José, (2002), S.O.S. Deutsch! Nível 1, Porto
(6) Bildwörterbuch Deutsch (Iniciação, Intermédio e Avançado), (2002), Porto